MRZ (臺大歷史系教授......Orz)
2015-12-28 13:32:48以下防雷:
Saitama is awesome, but I would like him to face even more challenges. We’re
still only one cour into an ongoing manga (and web comic), but the more he
has to push himself, and punch his opponents, the better. Genos is incredibly
likeable, and serves as a competent sidekick, and has banter with Saitama
feels just right. But as far as fights go, he’s a failure. That may seem
harsh, but he exists solely to build up his enemies in order for Saitama to
arrive and deal with the final blow. In a way it is disappointing, but at
least Genos gives us some flashy sakuga whenever he’s involved. As for
everyone else, I’ve already said my piece, but Tatsumaki and Sweet Mask are
easily the most respectable and fascinating heroes (and let’s not forget
Mumen Rider, the one true hero). Tatsumaki is hardly taken seriously by her
peers, yet her power is undeniable. Sweet Mask has me intrigued to see where
his sense of justice will take the Hero Association in the future.
0, 好電影!我都想看了!
1, 女服務生很普通,只是在一個缺乏女性角色的世界中,她就萌了.
2, 其實我比較喜歡短碎的薯條,因為這樣比較容易不浪費沾醬.
3, 看來這間家庭餐廳還蠻良心的,含脂量這麼少的炸薯條可是第一次看到.
4, 因為正好在此之前看到了總算出的迷糊餐廳第三季最終回,
5, (從美國那裡)有謠傳說一拳超人第二季會在明年三月出現/宣佈,我懷疑啦...
6, 從怪人的話可以看出,設定上是埼玉在六個月前還沒有一拳秒殺任何人的能力?
7, 我越來越懷疑傑諾斯在裡設定中,在被改造成生化機器人以前,其實是女生.