※ 引述《alinwang (kaeru)》之銘言:
: http://www.dcfever.com/news/readnews.php?id=17730
: Microsoft 星期三舉行發佈會:預計 Surface Pro 5 發表!
: Windows 又自動更新,傳把 Win32 遊戲加進於 Windows App Store
: 今次 Microsoft 發佈會,除了硬件產品以外,有傳亦會介紹 Win 10 的更新版本。今次
: 的更新會把大量 Win32 遊戲加進於 Windows App Store,簡單來說,就是大家兒時遊玩
: 的經典電腦遊戲如《金庸群俠傳》、《仙劍奇俠傳》及 《Doom》等,都有望透過今次的
: 更新,重新於 Windows App Store 下載。不過,希望屆時 Microsoft 不要在筆者工作時
: 自動更新吧!
: 是說以前的win 95 98電腦遊戲都可在win10下玩了?!
Maybe (可能出現的)
Project Centennial push for older Win32 games and apps
Although we know this is happening, we're not exactly sure if this will be a
big talking point at the October 26th event. Microsoft is working with
developers on bringing many Win32 games to the Windows Store with its Project
Centennial app-bridge, and if the Surface AiO is powerful enough to play
games, will be a good demonstration of what developers can achieve with the
Windows Store.
如果 Surface AiO 的效能足夠執行遊戲的話,遊玩透過傳統型應用程式轉換器轉換後
Apps like the new Microsoft Paint with Inking and 3D support and Adobe XD
design app are likely candidates to be announced as available too.
We may also finally see some big name Win32 programs show up in the Windows
Store from the likes of Adobe and Slack. As of right now, there are few
Centennial apps in the Store, most of which aren't exactly huge names.
這兩段都在講舊型的應用軟體 未來可以透過轉換器上架到市集