[情報]傳聞任天堂Switch明年出太陽月亮 高清版

作者: gg56 (kugimiya rie)   2016-11-18 23:58:29
Sources: Nintendo Switch to get Pokémon Sun and Moon version
A new version of Pokémon Sun and Moon will launch for Nintendo Switch.
Pokémon Sun and Moon for 3DS will be joined by Pokémon Stars for Switch.
Multiple sources tell Eurogamer the game is already well into development,
will launch in 2017, and currently holds the codename of Pokémon Stars.
Earlier generations of Pokémon games have featured a third title launched
later with expanded features - Pokémon Yellow followed Game Boy originals
Red and Blue to start this trend, which continued through until Pokémon
Platinum followed Diamond and Pearl on DS.
With Pokémon Stars, this idea will be revived - but for the first time we'll
see the mainline Pokémon series spanning separate Nintendo consoles within
the same generation of games.
Indeed, Switch will be the first Nintendo "home" console to receive a main Pok
émon adventure. It only took 20 years.
Nintendo's new 3DS duo Sun and Moon, available today in North America and
Japan or next week in Europe, have shared much of their development with
their Switch bigger brother.
As you might expect, Pokémon Stars is being developed by the Sun and Moon
team at Game Freak, the studio behind all main Pokémon games since the
series' Game Boy beginnings.
In fact, you may have already seen something from the Switch version. Sun and
Moon's February reveal teaser culminates in split-second shots of Game Freak
staff such as series boss Junichi Masuda and director Shigeru Ohmori working
on Sun and Moon spliced with quick flashes of in-game concept art and models,
including this HD in-game model for new bird Pokémon Pikipek. We've heard
this is for the Switch edition:
傳聞明年要出日月高清版再 switch
作者: Augustus5 (天母李聖傑)   2016-11-18 23:59:00
作者: sabertomoaki (水手拿冠軍!)   2016-11-18 23:59:00
作者: ireal135 (周休八日)   2016-11-18 23:59:00
作者: peng2014 (昨日種種)   2016-11-19 00:01:00
高清版正統PM續作...! 買了!
作者: kuku15987 (EGOISTx)   2016-11-19 00:03:00
作者: sabertomoaki (水手拿冠軍!)   2016-11-19 00:04:00
作者: snegi (  ̄灬 ̄)   2016-11-19 00:05:00
作者: tomrun168 (アシレーヌ後援會會長)   2016-11-19 00:11:00
XY要出的時候有人說要等Z版 現在都日月了
作者: pcs80806 (da142)   2016-11-19 00:13:00
鋸齒問題還好 這版掉禎狀況比XY還嚴重
作者: ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)   2016-11-19 00:13:00
來源竟然是eurogamer 那可能性還挺高的...
作者: david7112123 (Ukuhama)   2016-11-19 00:13:00
高清PM 我好興奮
作者: brmelon (清水西瓜)   2016-11-19 00:14:00
任天堂高清 你信?
作者: pcs80806 (da142)   2016-11-19 00:16:00
搞不好只是NS內建3DS模擬器 不是真的高清
作者: s32244153 (Hir0)   2016-11-19 00:18:00
作者: PrinceBamboo (竹取駙馬)   2016-11-19 00:18:00
反正switch會有哪些遊戲還不知道 直接玩3DS了啦他說高清 那就不是會第三版 還是日月
作者: hjk56789 (hjk56789)   2016-11-19 00:24:00
作者: horseorange (橘小馬)   2016-11-19 00:39:00
作者: dsersr (某d)   2016-11-19 00:41:00
作者: yuuko (柚枸)   2016-11-19 00:41:00
為什麼不信XD wii u上就一堆hd任天堂遊戲
作者: Cornell (嘎)   2016-11-19 00:44:00
之前有人拿模擬器跑日月 人物和神寶模組的多邊型量異常高
作者: tomrun168 (アシレーヌ後援會會長)   2016-11-19 00:45:00
作者: seraph01 (ああああ)   2016-11-19 00:53:00
switch 穩了!!
作者: Cornell (嘎)   2016-11-19 00:54:00
https://goo.gl/OGpWpw 忍蛙精細度應該比wiiu大亂鬥裡高
作者: MikageSayo (御影佐夜)   2016-11-19 01:03:00
高く、清く ポケットモンスター
作者: chocopie (好吃的巧克力派 :))   2016-11-19 02:16:00
作者: WiLLSTW (WiLLS)   2016-11-19 05:05:00
其實不是不可能啦 這一版的PM比起DP之後重新優化了控制器的操作模式感覺就是另有意圖 但是有可能不是日月 而是同一世代的其它作品而且說真的 如果你是老PM粉就知道Game Freak適應新主機的速度只能用拳海參來形容(?) 就算真的出了可能也打兩屆WCS了吧 總之太相信Game Freak的技術力就......
作者: OSDim (I'm So Sorry)   2016-11-19 05:37:00
不錯R 這樣就可以買新主機了xDDDD
作者: f124 (....)   2016-11-19 09:00:00
明年要出現在沒半片遊戲消息 恩,,,
作者: newgene01   2016-11-19 09:27:00

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