ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)
2016-12-18 11:27:21App Annie sent us a bit more data after this story ran. The company estimates
that the game had more than 10 million downloads on Dec. 15 worldwide and
brought in more than $4 million. They also noted that the game had 20 million
pre-registrations (people who clicked on the Notify button in the app store)
prior to its release.
Super Mario Run became the top ranked game by downloads in 60 countries
shortly after launch, according to the company.
比對pokemon go首日90萬 成長10倍!!
不過事實上這跟FF15的首日銷售500萬歷代之冠!! 有87%像
pokemon go首日美日好像都還沒上