vikk33 (陳V)
2018-07-24 17:13:05https://goo.gl/HPJ6qF
[Feature] Gender Inequity in My Hero Academia
就是設定上 個性 能力 分配男女不同
SJW森77 要抓狂了
My Hero Academia is one of my favorite series in recent years. Thanks to its
compelling, lovable cast and exciting world-building, it’s some of the most
fun I’ve ever had with shounen and superheroes. Regrettably, though, it’s
not entirely free of some of the most frustrating (and typical) shounen
stereotypes that frequently undermine its strong female cast.
To some extent, My Hero Academia goes against conventions by giving the
female characters diverse Quirks (superpowers) that rarely conform to those
of supporting roles. Yet it doesn’t push too hard when it comes to putting
them into action. Most characters have limitations that prevent their Quirks
from getting too overpowered, but when there are exceptions, they’re all
remarkably male. Even without taking One For All—a special quirk that
accumulates power passed down through generations—into account, male
characters like Todoroki, Bakugo, or Endeavor are portrayed as being far
above everyone else.
The girls from the main cast receive far less recognition, mostly because they
’re often relegated to the background. While there are also boys who don’t
have much time in the spotlight, the series still finds endless opportunities
to highlight plenty of its male characters, which hardly ever happens with
the girls. As a side effect, this also means that MHA, perhaps
unintentionally, doesn’t always take the girls’ Quirks seriously, resulting
in limitations that sometimes don’t even make sense.
A Quirk as deadly as Ashida’s acid production should be regarded as a
serious threat, but it never seems to do much. Toru, the invisible girl, is
basically an ongoing joke. But even more glaring is how the series fails to
realize the true potential of Momo, who can create anything as long as she
knows its components. At the end of the day, no girl is portrayed as anywhere
close to the power levels or growth potential of many of their male peers.
Compared to them, the girls are hardly ever provided with opportunities to
distinguish themselves.
This is even more noticeable in the tournament arc, when plenty of characters
finally get a chance to shine, including the girls. Ochako’s fight against
Bakugo focuses on confronting the audience’s sexism while acknowledging
Ochako as an opponent worthy of respect. In the other matches, the boys that
underestimate their female opponents suffer quick, crushing defeats.
This implies a self-awareness of one of shounen’s most common tropes: boys
are stronger and more capable than girls. The first stage of the tournament
seems focused on challenging this particular trope, but while it succeeds in
highlighting this inequity, it ultimately does nothing to resolve it, and
instead perpetuates it with full awareness.
While Ochako emerges from her defeat motivated to expand on her skill set,
her match doesn’t leave any lasting effects. As the tournament advances
toward the finals, the rest of the girls are quickly eliminated, leaving the
serious, exciting fights to the boys. Even though the girls show notable
talent, when the tournament ends, it’s the boys who get all the top
My Hero Academia’s shortcomings with the girls from its main cast are also
present in the professional field. Midnight and Mt. Lady are the most
prominent pro heroines introduced to the audience thus far, and neither of
them shows competence comparable to the male pro heroes, nor do they inspire
the same level of admiration.
We have yet to see pro heroines get things done (in a way that’s also taken
seriously by the series) like we have with All Might, Endeavor, Eraserhead,
and so on. With Mt. Lady and Midnight, we mostly just get moments of
clumsiness or flirtation, all meant to serve as comedy or fanservice.
The internship arc introduced pro heroine Uwabami, yet it regrettably didn’t
give her anything to do on the field. She only serves to give us a little
look into the commercial side of heroism—an aspect of the hero profession
that’s later portrayed as fundamentally destructive and corrupt during the
Stain arc. This lack of pro heroine action in the field gives the impression
that they aren’t as capable and exciting as pro heroes. This is further
reinforced by the first-year students’ internships. Most of those who had it
under pro heroes got productive, exciting experiences. Meanwhile, those under
pro heroines ended up disappointed.
At its worst, My Hero Academia doesn’t just ignore its female cast: it
brings them forward solely for the purpose of reinforcing tired stereotypes.
One example is the talk show segment from one of Season 2’s cold opens,
which manages to commit several offenses despite its brevity. Featuring Mt.
Lady and Midnight as guests, we learn that the latter’s debut was seeing as
so scandalous it inspired a costume regulation bill. Then, Midnight starts
discussing the difficulties the censure imposes on heroes whose powers are
obstructed by clothes (which brings characters like Momo to mind).
The segment seemed like an interesting idea at first, especially considering
the series’ poor treatment of “sexy” female characters up to this point.
We can see that with Midnight herself, who doesn’t have much development
outside of being a BDSM-themed pro heroine. And, on the student side of
things, other characters often leer at Momo’s costume—while she’s either
unaware or embarrassed if she notices—and she’s targeted by Mineta more
than the rest of the girls, mostly because she shows more skin for the sake
of her Quirk.
Discouragingly, the TV show segment decides to keep ignoring those issues and
instead prioritizes tropes that further undermine the pro heroines. Mt. Lady
and Midnight end up in a cliche “cat fight” before actually having a
discussion, reinforcing the harmful idea that powerful women are unable to
get along. To add insult to injury, the scene ends with a “punchline” as we
cut to Mineta, of all people, watching with excitement.
It’s an especially frustrating conclusion given that Mineta’s very
existence is My Hero Academia’s worst crime. He is the personification of
one of the most troubling tropes in shounen storytelling: sexual harassment
and assault as a source of humor.
The series tries to utilize this archetype with some attempted
self-awareness. It acknowledges that Mineta’s disrespect of the girls’
boundaries is a bad thing, and he’s constantly called out by his classmates.
When he crosses the line with the girls, they usually punish him. However,
none of this means anything if the series shows no meaningful consequences
for his actions, especially from individuals of authority such as the school
With Mineta’s final exam, the series takes an even more unsettling stand.
There, he’s portrayed as a surprisingly hard-working student, just like the
rest of his classmates. His motivation to “become popular” with women is
even treated with certain levels of sympathy. There’s nothing wrong with
wanting to impress the gender you’re attracted to, of course, but promoting
such motivation in a character who frequently sexually harasses (if not
outright assaults) his female peers perpetuates ideas that threaten women’s
comfort and safety. Instead of correcting his behavior, the series silently
approves of it by continuing to portray him in a humorous rather than
malicious light.
My Hero Academia certainly has issues with the way it treats its female
characters, which takes something away from my enjoyment of the series.
However, I must also acknowledge that, at times, it does seem to have its
heart in the right place. We can see that in Ochako’s motivation to become a
pro heroine and earn money to help her family, in her fight against Bakugo,
or in the very relatable character arc that Momo had after under-performing
in the tournament.
It’s also notable in the characterization of most of the girls; they feel
like well-rounded people that I would love to hang out with. Whether it’s
their cool personality and judgment, sense of humor, kindness, or the general
positivity some impart to others, the girls have qualities that make it easy
to connect and care for them.
I love My Hero Academia despite its flaws, in part because of how much I like
its girls, but also because it truly understands what makes the concept of “
heroes” so appealing. The heroes it promotes are hardworking people, moved
by their desire to be the best version of themselves and help those who need
them. MHA realizes that a hero can’t always save everyone, but it encourages
them to keep fighting for those they can. Those ideals can motivate everyone,
regardless of gender, to always give their very best. It’s a series with a
lot of heart, which is why so many of its characters resonate.
As much as I love it, I still believe the series would greatly improve if it
allowed its female characters to take on bigger roles in the action. However,
simply giving them more time in the spotlight wouldn’t fix the problems the
series has with them. For that, it would need to maintain the same level of
insight it had when Ochako stood in front of Bakugo during the tournament,
despite her fears and everyone’s doubts about her abilities. Very much like
it challenged the audience’s low expectations of her, the series needs to
more often challenge its own hesitance to let its female characters stand on
their own, outside of comedy and fanservice, when it matters most.
My Hero Academia is an ongoing series. I believe that it can do better, and I
’m glad it has the chance to do so.
forsakesheep (家裡蹲é¯å»¢è‚¥å®…)
2018-07-24 17:14:00你都知道SJW就是一群XX了,為什麼還要轉他們的廢話
tw15 (巴拉巴拉)
2018-07-24 17:14:00作者:其實那些女角的都4性別光譜正確人士
作者: qaz223gy (亞阿相界) 2018-07-24 17:14:00
Sechslee (ï½·ï¾€â”â”(゚∀゚)â”â”!!)
2018-07-24 17:15:00SJW反對的事情一定是對的
Xavy (グルグル回る)
2018-07-24 17:15:00標題那兩個字很容易進桶喔 先提醒你
ihateants (Naruhodoh)
2018-07-24 17:16:00就是個拿人開刀的玩意兒,開頭還一個愛之深責之切的偽善文法,我都想吐了
iam0718 (999)
2018-07-24 17:17:00這些正義戰士真的很無聊
a2334436 (<lol>)
2018-07-24 17:17:00左膠心目中的英雄學院要有白人 黑人 黃種人 殘疾人還有LGBT
下一篇:我的英雄學院物化女性 C罩杯以下的不超過3人
vikk33 (陳V)
2018-07-24 17:18:00標題已改 感謝提醒
作者: j54353 (kk) 2018-07-24 17:18:00
juzowa (喔是喔)
2018-07-24 17:19:00SJW起手式:我其實是很喜歡XXX 但(下略千字 媽的不爽不會不要看喔
LiNcUtT (典)
2018-07-24 17:21:00作者:
gaym19 (best689tw)
2018-07-24 17:21:00神經病
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:21:00女的太弱!? 渡我表示:更別提歐叔的師傅是個女的(雖然死了)
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:23:00我反而覺得女的很多能力超強 只是不給戲份而已...
moonlind (又多了敷臉卡跟覓食卡了~)
2018-07-24 17:24:00比起這個 我認為 女角強得跟外掛一樣 但是為了男主怎樣都沒關係 才是踩紅線吧
exrck (神奇皮卡)
2018-07-24 17:25:00確實是這樣阿,那種會爆炸會噴火的強力技能都裝在男的身上
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:26:00會認為會爆炸噴火就是很強的能力也太膚淺了吧隱形人能力強不強? 渡我的變身能力強不強?
exrck (神奇皮卡)
2018-07-24 17:27:00以表面上來看嘛
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:27:00男的都是表面上強悍硬幹的能力 女的多是應用很廣的能力
GOBS (GodOfBullShit)
2018-07-24 17:27:00怎麼不說變大這多少男性想要的能力居然是女性持有?
作者: chrischow107 (拜拜,我的朋友:)) 2018-07-24 17:28:00
vikk33 (陳V)
2018-07-24 17:28:00作者:
dephille (一鍼同體!全力全快!)
2018-07-24 17:28:00我覺得最做壞的應該是創造吧w
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:28:00壞裡的退化更是imba中的imba
gaym19 (best689tw)
2018-07-24 17:29:00壞理不是退化 是還原
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:29:00八百萬的創造就是太強了 只好從心態上nerf他...
作者: chrischow107 (拜拜,我的朋友:)) 2018-07-24 17:29:00
要說刻板印象 SJW才是用刻板印象再挑毛病吧
作者: dm03 (莫宰羊) 2018-07-24 17:30:00
女生反派很強啊 最吸睛女角
作者: dm03 (莫宰羊) 2018-07-24 17:32:00
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:32:00我是覺得如果吐槽女性這麼多強力能力而沒戲分反而比較有打到要害 女性設定強力的超多...
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:34:00肥宅有這能力應該可以創造女友沒問題
naugje (回甘就是炫泡)
2018-07-24 17:34:00最近出現的殺人兔也是女的,看起來就是肉體強化系,還有會超炫炮龍化的龍九跟螺旋波動的學姊…
ppo7741 (阿甫)
2018-07-24 17:35:00腦子有洞
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:36:00八百萬就是被作者設定心態很弱 所以能力強但不懂發揮
ppo7741 (阿甫)
2018-07-24 17:36:00歐爾麥特師傅就是一個偉大的女性到底是有沒有看
aaron97 (康娜她爸)
2018-07-24 17:37:00真的是一堆屁欸
作者: owlrex (Sidro) 2018-07-24 17:38:00
才幾歲就要上戰場廝殺 日本學生都是怪物 (抖)
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 17:41:00這群神經病就挑了女性比較弱的漫畫來鞭怎麼不說LL跟BGD的男人都死光了 魔法少女動畫都沒男生
asabase (大切な未来み)
2018-07-24 17:45:00這個腦袋真的壞掉 超好笑
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 17:45:00女角比男角多的作品滿坑滿谷 阿你要挑我英不就很會
Simonfenix (Livingfailure)
2018-07-24 17:45:00左膠怎樣都能黏就是了
juzowa (喔是喔)
2018-07-24 17:45:00LL有男的啊 雖然果皇爸沒露全臉就是了
Telemio (Telemio)
2018-07-24 17:46:00他說的部分是事實 我英男生普遍比女生強 就表現而言
minoru04 (華山派巴麻美)
2018-07-24 17:46:00男權要不要去抗議魔法少女都是女生啊
Telemio (Telemio)
2018-07-24 17:47:00像葉隱到現在除了執照篇幾乎沒什麼特別表現那後面有些論點我就懶得看了 甚麼Mt.Lady跟午夜打架這種catfight隱喻有權力的女性都沒辦法彼此溝通
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 17:48:00葉隱的能力用作諜報應該超強,只是這部現在都走硬A流
Telemio (Telemio)
2018-07-24 17:48:00根本是滑坡 下面好像還有在檢討峰田的 我也懶得看只不過男生比女生強不只少年慢漫 綜觀絕大數影視娛樂應該
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 17:49:00一直打打打那當然是戰鬥系的能力高大上
Telemio (Telemio)
2018-07-24 17:49:00都還是存在這種事情殊不知男生也很希望像雷光 2B這種女英雄多出現一點哈哈
AlianF (左手常駐模式)
2018-07-24 17:49:00上上代OFA不就女的?哪裡弱了?
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 17:51:00還不推薦SJW看火星蟑螂,仇女價值滿點
good74152 (警視廳刑事部廢文搜查官)
2018-07-24 17:52:00看羽球戰爭阿 都女的爽了沒
bluecsky (我要藍藍淡淡的天空)
2018-07-24 17:55:00不只斷手指 整隻手都斷過了...
anumber (Everlasting GuiltyCrown)
2018-07-24 17:55:00馬的SJW到底想要什麼啊
minoru04 (華山派巴麻美)
2018-07-24 17:56:00女角不夠多不夠強--歧視女性 都是萌女角--物化女性
GAOTT (杜鵑)
2018-07-24 18:00:00樓上邏輯是不是有問題 拿兩個不衝突的假裝有衝突?
GAOTT (杜鵑)
2018-07-24 18:01:00女角不夠多不夠強--歧視女性 女角太多太強--物化女性這才叫有衝突 懂?????????????萌女角跟多跟強是有什麼關聯喇zzz
minoru04 (華山派巴麻美)
2018-07-24 18:02:00不懂 沒興趣理你
GAOTT (杜鵑)
2018-07-24 18:02:00都是醜女--歧視女性 都是萌女角--物化女性 這才叫有衝突不懂就閉嘴
minoru04 (華山派巴麻美)
2018-07-24 18:05:00單純對你沒興趣要吵架可以去找別人
choco7 (巧克七男孩)
2018-07-24 18:06:00作者:
RX11 (RX_11)
2018-07-24 18:11:00他也沒說拿那兩個出來是表達衝突阿 到底在激動什麼
yudofu (豆腐)
2018-07-24 18:13:00要政治正確去看你們的美漫啦
anxcvi (學長)
2018-07-24 18:16:00女拳同路人ㄎㄎ
作者: stardust7011 2018-07-24 18:26:00
打這麼長誰他媽看的完. jpg
作者: qoouow (柯藤凱) 2018-07-24 18:30:00
ㄏ 好哦
MasCat (帥貓咪)
2018-07-24 18:39:00沒有黑人 沒有同性戀 沒有穆斯林 不能抽菸喝酒 不能見血不能有任何疑似性暗示
choco7 (巧克七男孩)
2018-07-24 18:40:00是不是看到前十排名很不爽啊
作者: Bachack000 2018-07-24 18:41:00
chuckni (SHOUGUN)
2018-07-24 18:42:00不是才剛出一隻戰力超高的兔子
diabolica (打回大師å†æ”¹ID)
2018-07-24 18:48:00果然又有機動戰士
g9122xj (g9122xj)
2018-07-24 18:51:00神經病嗎?
這只是日本的 搞不好美國英雄女生超強啊XSXD往好處想其實夠紅才會被盯上 所以我英在歐美地位就是強XD
作者: eightyseven (他的手可以穿過我的巴巴) 2018-07-24 18:59:00
問題一堆 = =再來呢?要求增加黑人跟拉丁裔角色嗎?
brianoj (馬可先生)
2018-07-24 19:07:00壞理那個也不是很直觀的治療學長差點變成廢人…
j147589 ((joyisbitch))
2018-07-24 19:19:00八百萬你跟我說弱
客觀事實是沒錯 但我會解釋成我英主要想服務女性觀眾…
lv256 (等級256)
2018-07-24 19:58:00原來sjw是強度廚這樣(?
sdamel (=ˇ=)
2018-07-24 20:14:00喜歡女權可以看妖精的旋律啊
arubaru (阿魯巴魯)
2018-07-24 20:22:00我還以為在看美國實境秀
作者: a904472000 (我只想當個廢物曬太陽) 2018-07-24 20:34:00
bestteam (wombat是胖胖熊)
2018-07-24 20:44:00還是FGO最平等了
作者: luleen (lululeen) 2018-07-24 22:06:00
還是F/GO最平等了 五星強角除了黑狗跟天草全是女的忘記小太陽惹
sjw可以自己創作一部屬於他們心目中的漫畫啊 這樣不是很好
stapia (91stacia39)
2018-07-24 22:45:00Marvel更嚴重好嗎==
作者: Sunblacktea (陽光紅茶) 2018-07-25 00:11:00
別的作品不舉舉我英 我英已經是算很平等的了吧