[新聞] Fallout周邊 80美元的核子可樂卻是塑膠瓶

作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2018-12-30 18:47:43
Fallout Fans Disappointed $80 Nuka Dark Bottles Are Plastic
Following Fallout 76‘s less than stellar launch and the multiple
controversies attached to the game–be it related to the canvas bag debacle
or the security breach revealing users’ personal info–there’s no doubt
that Bethesda has been having a rough time as far as public relations are
concerned. Now, it looks as if the company may face yet another PR storm, as
some fans of the post-apocalyptic RPG series are expressing their
disappointment after discovering that $80 bottles of the licensed Nuka Dark
rum inspired by the games come in plastic.
According to a post from the Redditor and Fallout fan known as
Sardonyx-LaClay, the Nuka Dark rum is being shipped in plastic shells
resembling the iconic Nuka Cola bottles from the games, which are used to
house a plain glass bottle inside that holds the adult beverage.
Sardonyx-LaClay and other fans have stepped up to voice their dissatisfaction
with the product, as they claim the original mock-up designs for the drink
had led them to believe the bottle actually housing the alcohol would favor
the rocket-like shape of those from the games and be made of glass.
Hey Bethesda, I paid $80 for your special edition rum back in September, the
least you could do is make the bottle glass. from gaming
Bethesda hasn’t publicly acknowledged the situation, but the company it gave
license to manufacture Nuka Dark rum, Silver Screen Bottling Co. (SSBC),
issued a statement regarding the Fallout-inspired product on its official
website in an effort to assuage fans who purchased the adult beverage. As
written by the COO, Sommelier, and product specialist of SSBC, Ryan McElveen,
“This is a project we are extremely proud of and we are sorry that you feel
that you were in any way deceived.”
Those who bought Nuka Dark and believe that the Fallout-themed product isn’t
up to snuff can submit a form in the “Questions About My Order” section on
Silver Screen Bottling Co.’s website right here. According to McElveen, “
[Silver Screen Bottling Co.] will work to make it right” for those who
decide to contact the company and let it know they aren’t happy with their
Nuka Dark order.
Taking all of this into consideration, it will be interesting to see if this
state of affairs relating to Nuka Dark rum will have any impact on people’s
perception of the Fallout brand overall. Beyond the backlash to this
particular marketing tie-in, it looks as if Bethesda at the very least still
has plenty of work left to do in order to fully fix Fallout 76 itself. So,
for the sake of the company and the Fallout fan community, one can only hope
the multiplayer title’s next update will start setting things back on the
right track.
Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
作者: devilshadow (大濕胸)   2018-12-30 18:48:00
作者: gaym19 (best689tw)   2018-12-30 18:48:00
花80美買廉價塑膠瓶 LUL
作者: lover19 (アキラ)   2018-12-30 18:49:00
作者: apple00 (冒號三)   2018-12-30 18:49:00
作者: Wtaa (窩塔)   2018-12-30 18:49:00
作者: medama ( )   2018-12-30 18:49:00
原本想說240元就算了 結果是2400元買塑膠瓶....
作者: kinomon (奇諾 Monster)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
作者: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
B社:遊戲中的重點不是瓶蓋嗎?? 大家這麼在意瓶子幹嘛
作者: Owada (大和田)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
作者: dashed (沿此虛線剪下)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
自己要誤會的 怪我囉
作者: piliamdamd (ppw)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
再搞下去 上古捲軸六沒人想買了
作者: Kerere (修口)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
笑死 B社真的屌
作者: doyouknowhow (hi)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
作者: shadowdio   2018-12-30 18:50:00
作者: ninjapig (oh,ninja!)   2018-12-30 18:50:00
今年的B社 沒有極限
作者: gaym19 (best689tw)   2018-12-30 18:51:00
作者: salamender (banana king)   2018-12-30 18:52:00
7樓大大說得還真有點像可能的原始想法 XD
作者: orze04 (orz)   2018-12-30 18:53:00
遊戲中空瓶可以回收出玻璃啊 還是這是MOD才有的功能
作者: gaym19 (best689tw)   2018-12-30 18:53:00
雖然沒人在乎酒的品質 但塑膠外殼賣80美真的是敲盤子
作者: r02182828 (覺醒的米蟲)   2018-12-30 18:53:00
核子可樂怎麽放酒 放可樂阿 有沒有螢光版的
作者: tp950016   2018-12-30 18:55:00
作者: guogu   2018-12-30 18:57:00
作者: yys310 (有水當思無水之苦)   2018-12-30 18:58:00
作者: spfy (spfy)   2018-12-30 18:59:00
感覺就跟料理東西軍一樣 對方都會拿出最後的壓箱寶RRRR
作者: egg781 (喵吉)   2018-12-30 19:00:00
作者: spfy (spfy)   2018-12-30 19:00:00
作者: killerj466 (jasoso)   2018-12-30 19:00:00
BZ還有一天 不要放棄
作者: chicken1315 (teddy)   2018-12-30 19:05:00
作者: iwinlottery (我中樂透頭彩)   2018-12-30 19:05:00
雖然我覺得末日時塑膠是好材料啊 比玻璃好
作者: wch2 (shadow sun)   2018-12-30 19:07:00
前面說怎麼放酒的 這個是dark版好嗎?設定就是35%的酒精濃度
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2018-12-30 19:09:00
作者: CannonLake (等待農藥)   2018-12-30 19:09:00
作者: torahiko (虎彥)   2018-12-30 19:17:00
80美塑膠瓶 真的沒下限耶XD
作者: js9550107 (阿逼)   2018-12-30 19:20:00
作者: jo611 (joseph)   2018-12-30 19:22:00
作者: egg781 (喵吉)   2018-12-30 19:24:00
作者: olalo   2018-12-30 19:32:00
80鎂,玻璃瓶做不出來嗎? 美國開模做玻璃瓶成本是多貴?
作者: reader2714 (無毀的湖光)   2018-12-30 19:32:00
看看那個creation cube 早就晚節不保了好嗎..wwwwwwww
作者: probsk (紅墨水)   2018-12-30 19:34:00
作者: arbo7777 (hahar)   2018-12-30 19:44:00
就算是出玻璃瓶 80鎂也很坑
作者: zx1027112233 (水果武士)   2018-12-30 19:45:00
作者: beavis77 (駒外杉筱舟渡嵐)   2018-12-30 19:50:00
老套路 釋出上古6主程式然後由玩家堆MOD補成完成體
作者: shamanlin (點藏必須死)   2018-12-30 19:51:00
作者: r901700216 (LS)   2018-12-30 19:52:00
猛 真的猛
作者: s0930194 (航海之家)   2018-12-30 19:53:00
作者: shamanlin (點藏必須死)   2018-12-30 19:55:00
作者: canon15167 (讓純愛再次偉大)   2018-12-30 20:07:00
80鎂連分模線都不處理 認真?
作者: teruru (狐狸)   2018-12-30 20:09:00
作者: qscgg (QSC)   2018-12-30 20:10:00
作者: ray10133 (AZA)   2018-12-30 20:15:00
作者: hiphopboy7   2018-12-30 20:16:00
雙B的野望 用最廉價的成本創造最大的價值 消費ip開始囉
作者: linja (阿咪)   2018-12-30 21:08:00
作者: a12073311 (沒有)   2018-12-30 22:16:00
作者: Galm (水牛)   2018-12-30 23:50:00

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