arrenwu (鍵盤的戰鬼)
2019-06-21 09:54:55※ 引述《whe84311 (Rainsa)》之銘言:
: 會議中還另外討論到遊戲成癮的問題。今年4月初,英國哈利王子曾在一場倫敦西部YMCA(基督教青年會)的活動中,直接點名批判《要塞英雄》。他認為這樣的遊戲就是為了「讓人成癮」,要玩家盡可能的待在電腦前遊戲,「這東西根本不應該存在;破壞了孩子與家庭,非常的不負責任。」
: 在這場會議上,國會議員們延續哈利王子的說法,對此提出批判。而Epic Games的法律顧問彭斯(Canon Pence)在會議上表示,他們對於哈利王子的評論趕到吃驚。「我們對於玩家們始終致力於營造的是一種有趣、公平、靈活、引人入勝和慷慨的互動娛樂形式。」如果只是把他們的作法形容成為了獲取短期利益的邪惡企圖,「那真的是一個錯誤的描述。」
: 只是當被問及是否有任何措施來對抗遊戲成癮時,彭斯直言Epic Games當然希望用戶能盡可能長時間玩他們的遊戲。「我們沒有設計自動限制的機制,有多少玩家要來玩《要塞英雄》並非我們該負責的。」而且Epic Games也不會限定玩家的年齡,因為他們不會收集玩家的年齡資料,這最終責任應該在遊戲平台商手中。
Link: http://bit.ly/2L5sSpY
The committee was likewise dissatisfied at the apparent lack of measures
taken by the Fortnite developer to combat the possibility of video game
addiction, which the World Health Organization recently recognized as a
medical condition. The Digital, Culture, Media, and Sports Committee seemed
to be of the opinion that Epic Games should have more limits and checks in
place to prevent consumers from spending unhealthy amounts of time with their
game. In response Canon Pence, Epic’s General Counsel acknowledged that the
game, like anything, can be engaged with at an unhealthy level, but stated,
Epic的法務部長 Canon Pence 說他同意Fornite就像任何東西一樣,
"I think it’s unfair to [ask] a game company which has a very limited
relationship with an end user, a pretty clearly defined limited relationship,
to ask them to comment on the mental health of the individual player. That
ought to be the domain of a medical professional."
不公平的。這應該屬於醫療專家的領域」 <