Re: [討論] 《Ooblets》投奔Epic惹怒粉絲,工作室火

作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2019-08-06 09:49:37
Epic Pledges To Support Developers After Intense Harassment Of Ooblets Team
By now, you probably know the drill: A developer announces that it will sell
the PC version of its game exclusively through the Epic Games Store. Cue
wailing, gnashing of teeth, and increasingly, harassment from folks used to
smashing that “buy” button on Steam. The latest target of Epic exclusivity
ire? The developers of Ooblets, who tried to get out in front of the
inevitable stampede of rage by snarkily putting the situation in perspective.
Coordinated harassment followed, prompting a statement from Epic on what it’
s now deeming a “disturbing” trend.
Last week, Ooblets designer Ben Wasser wrote a post explaining why he and his
development partner, programmer and artist Rebecca Cordingley, decided to
take Epic’s deal. Wasser said that the publisher offered the duo a minimum
guarantee on sales that matched what they were hoping to make on other
stores, thus securing their future as a studio. He also addressed people’s
concerns about Epic’s store in a half-joking tone, concluding that “this is
all low-stakes video game stuff we’re dealing with here” and “nothing to
get worked up about.”
But people got very worked up indeed about both the exclusivity deal and the
“tone” of Wasser’s post, which did not treat the subject of a video game
moving to a different, free platform with the funereal somberness it
apparently deserves. Over the weekend, Wasser tweeted about some of what he
was dealing with.
“Gotta quickly address the faked screenshot going around of me supposedly
saying ‘gamers would be better off in gas chambers,’” he wrote. “
Obviously never said that, and as a Jewish person, this one really hurt to
see being spread around.”
The next day, Wasser said the crowd trying to defame him had taken things a
step further, creating a fake video of him posting the fake message.
Today, in a message to Patreon supporters (reprinted on,
Wasser and Cordingley discussed the full scope of the problem, saying that
they’ve received “thousands if not tens of thousands of hateful,
threatening messages across every possible platform nonstop.” This cut deep,
they said, because of the otherwise “positive, supportive relationship” they
’ve had with their audience throughout development.
The two-person studio went on to say that despite having previously felt
empathy for targets of coordination internet offensives and trying to address
“that kind of thinking” in their exclusivity announcement, they “couldn’t
have guessed the scale of what it would feel like to be the target of an
internet hate mob.”
“I have been crying nonstop for the last two days and feeling like the world
has collapsed around me,” reads the studio’s Patreon post.
It was in response to all of this that Epic released its statement.
“The announcement of Ooblets highlighted a disturbing trend which is growing
and undermining healthy public discourse, and that’s the coordinated and
deliberate creation and promotion of false information, including fake
screenshots, videos, and technical analysis, accompanied by harassment of
partners, promotion of hateful themes, and intimidation of those with
opposing views,” the company wrote.
It noted that it fully supports people’s “right to speak freely and
critically” about the Epic store’s failings, but this isn’t that. This is
abuse. Epic intends to “steadfastly support our partners throughout these
challenges.” It concluded by thanking people who don’t bully developers and
“continue to promote and advocate for healthy, truthful discussion about the
games business and stand up to all manners of abuse.”
作者: a125g (期末崩潰討噓哥)   2019-08-06 09:51:00
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2019-08-06 09:52:00
STEAM這萬惡帝國怎麼還不島阿 一職欺負小廠太可惡
作者: globe1022 (肉食兔)   2019-08-06 09:53:00
作者: digitai1 (大摳)   2019-08-06 09:53:00
就CEO怒嗆這些來罵的都蒸粉 全部一竿子打翻 EZ
作者: gaym19 (best689tw)   2019-08-06 09:56:00
作者: crazypeo45 (死刑)   2019-08-06 10:00:00
跟EPIC做生意真好 當隻狗就好 LUL
作者: zweihander99 (zweihander)   2019-08-06 10:02:00
作者: LonyIce (小龍)   2019-08-06 10:04:00
一個裝被欺負的 一個演正義使者 這齣戲唱的真好
作者: Swallow43 (絕對領域命者)   2019-08-06 10:06:00
作者: howardandy (淡漠)   2019-08-06 10:08:00
steam :嗯? 又在上演了? 請繼續你的表演
作者: whitecygnus (於是)   2019-08-06 10:09:00
第一天不是你們要不要繼續支持無所謂嗎 怎麼現在變哭了兩天了 嗯?
作者: kaj1983   2019-08-06 10:12:00
作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2019-08-06 10:13:00
嗯呀 突然看到他從噴人狀態變成我哭了二天然後Epic出來接話譴責....真的有種很老套的感覺要哭就不要一開始那麼嗆呀...嗆完才在那哭你們欺負我.....囧"
作者: whitecygnus (於是)   2019-08-06 10:15:00
作者: john29908 (雪飄無音)   2019-08-06 10:16:00
作者: Swallow43 (絕對領域命者)   2019-08-06 10:17:00
作者: dnek (哪啊哪啊的合氣道)   2019-08-06 10:17:00
作者: midas82539 (喵)   2019-08-06 10:18:00
作者: kaj1983   2019-08-06 10:22:00
作者: ricky469rick (龍龍)   2019-08-06 10:22:00
作者: CrushQQ (CrushQQ)   2019-08-06 10:57:00
作者: winklly (阿鳥)   2019-08-06 11:02:00
這種發言方式非常中國我可以嘴你 你回嘴就是邪惡
作者: arrakis (DukeLeto)   2019-08-06 11:20:00
作者: bladesinger   2019-08-06 11:29:00
跟消費者搞到這麼差我看你領一輩子epic補助款過活吧阿,忘了邪惡的中資epic大概不會養你一輩子就是了ㄎ誰叫你看到乾爹就貼上去 活該
作者: egg781 (喵吉)   2019-08-06 11:55:00
作者: bl00din (幻想體)   2019-08-06 11:57:00
擺明就是賺夠了 粉絲干我屁事嘴臉 現在還要哭被攻擊 呵呵
作者: vsepr55 (vsepr55)   2019-08-06 11:57:00
翻譯都懶ㄛ= =
作者: egg781 (喵吉)   2019-08-06 11:57:00
作者: audi1005 (totot)   2019-08-06 11:58:00
都嗆人了 怎麼在哭被攻擊
作者: egg781 (喵吉)   2019-08-06 11:58:00

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