Scott Derrickson is stepping down as director of Marvel’s “Doctor Strange an
the Multiverse of Madness,”Variety has learned.
The studio confirmed his departure in a statement, attributing it to “creativ
e differences.” Derrickson, who oversaw the first “Doctor Strange,” will re
main as an executive producer.
“Marvel Studios and Scott Derrickson have amicably parted ways on ‘Doctor St
range in the Multiverse of Madness’ due to creative differences,” Marvel sai
d in a statement to Variety.We remain grateful to Scott for his contributio
ns to the MCU.”
大意就是因為創作理念不同最後決定分道揚鑣,Scott Derrickson從導演的位子退下來,
漫威跟Scott Derrickson導演是友好的分手的,漫威也表示感謝導演替MCU所做的貢獻