Valorant tournaments will have to censor the blood
On Wednesday afternoon Riot provided its first full update to the community
on how Valorant esports are going to work. Rather than running official
tournaments or a league, Riot will instead partner with third-parties to
create tournaments and events. But the developer still has a few specific
rules for the tournament organizers, including that blood effects have to be
turned off during the tournament.
Inside Riot’s official tournament rules for organizers, there’s a section
about broadcasting the game. One of the bullet points in this section says
that the “Show Blood” option from the in-game menu has to be set to off.
This doesn’t change anything about the game other than the fact that sparks
explode from players when they’re shot instead of blood.
For most standard, large-scale tournaments this option will only need to be
enabled for the observers in each game. But if a tournament is streaming
different perspectives, or using footage from streamer’s first-person views,
then every streamer will have to have blood disabled as well.
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While at first glance blood may not seem like a big deal, it can make a big
difference to advertisers, who have content guidelines. Turning off blood
during events can help make the game more attractive as a potential partner,
since it won’t have so much objectionable content — apart from the massive
amount of shooting.
Aside from just the rules on in-game blood, Riot has a few other regulations
for broadcasters to follow as well. For instance, it’s a requirement for all
broadcasted tournaments to moderate the chat and “prevent vulgar, abusive,
or otherwise mean spirited environment.” Riot also includes a list of
prohibited forms of advertising which include things like other games,
alcohol or tobacco products, gambling, and firearms.
As long as tournament organizers stay within these regulations, anyone can
host a Valorant tournament. While individuals and smaller tournaments don’t
need to register with Riot at all, larger events and international tournament
organizers will have to partner with the developer for their events.