辣個代表黑人女人同性戀來懲罰我們的正義使者、遊戲的創意總監Neil Druckmann宣布,
The Last of Us 2
已經完工(gone gold),並且精神喊話如下:
We wanted to let you know that we have gone gold. So back in April, we told yo
u that due to the state of the world, logistics way beyond our control, we had
to push the game, which gave us a few extra weeks to polish and now that we h
ave a release date we submitted our gold master,
And you're going to have our game in just a few short weeks. Normally this wou
ld be a moment of celebration. We'd be at the office having a drink, eating ca
ke. But we're all stuck in our homes and I want to take this moment to congrat
ulate the team that has pulled off the most ambitious game we've ever made.
I know I've said this before, but you won't know to what degree until you get
your hands on it and just see the care, the care that has gone into every deta
il, from the level design, the mechanics, just graphically how the game looks,
the environments, art direction, characters, story, the audio design, the sou
ndtrack, oh my god the soundtrack is so amazing. Even for us, who have played
this game, we can't even count how many times, we know it inside out, we're st
ill emotionally moved]. I just finished a playthrough and I was crying by the
end of it. And it's just pretty incredible, and I'm extremely proud of it, the
team is extremely proud of it, and we can't wait to hear what you guys think.
On behalf of Naughty Dog, thank you to you guys. You've been very patient wait
ing for this game for years with us, and you're just a few weeks away from get
ting it. A lot of you have sent us sweet and encouraging messages along that t
ime that have been really helpful. No matter what you've seen or heard or read
, nothing compares to playing this game from beginning to end. It's a video ga
me, you've got to play it. I hope you guys are doing well. Stay safe, take car
e of your loved ones, and we'll have a lot more for you soon.