kylefan (袖子)
2020-06-15 23:19:38※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1UvuxFBH ]
作者: kylefan (柚子) 看板: PlayStation
標題: Re: [討論] 星戰新遊戲Star Wars:Squadrons (未證)
時間: Mon Jun 15 23:07:57 2020
※ 引述 《kylefan》 之銘言:
: 將在6/15 23點公布情報
: https://i.imgur.com/YUYcZ6U.jpg
: Pilots Wanted. Tune in for the reveal trailer of #StarWarsSquadrons this Mo
: ay, June 15th at 8:00 AM Pacific Time:
: youtu.be/w0eRkhR1z6A
Steam 頁面:
Vanguard 中隊和帝國Titan中隊。
Fleet Battle: 摧毀敵方旗艦
Dogfight: 摧毀越多敵人越好
Buckle up, take full control of starfighters such as the X-wing and TIE fighte
r, and feel the adrenaline of strategic first-person 5v5 multiplayer dogfights
alongside your squadron.
In a fateful campaign set near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, learn
what it means to be a pilot in a thrilling STAR WARS™ single-player story. T
he New Republic fights for freedom. The Empire demands order. We need you to j
oin the galaxy’s finest. STAR WARS™: Squadrons is available October 2, 2020
on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Origin PC, Steam, Epic Games Store, and Virtual Re
ality (VR) on PlayStation 4 and PC with cross-play support.
2020/10/2 各平台上市,支援VR、跨平台連線。
Tune in to EA Play on June 18, 4PM PT to watch the gameplay world premiere of
STAR WARS™: Squadrons.
6/19 7AM在EA Play公布實機遊玩畫面。
Get briefed: https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/squ...
Pre-order now: https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/squ...
Follow EA Star Wars:
About STAR WARS™: Squadrons:
ALL WINGS REPORT IN – Plan skirmishes with your squadron in the briefing room
before taking off to the evolving battlefields across the galaxy. Compete in
intense 5v5 multiplayer dogfights or unite with your squadron to tip the scale
s in monumental fleet battles. Together, you’re the galaxy’s finest.
MASTER LEGENDARY STARFIGHTERS – Take control of different classes of starfigh
ters from both the New Republic and Imperial fleets – including the agile A-w
ing and the devastating TIE bomber. Modify your ship, divert the power between
its systems, and destroy your opponents in strategic space dogfights.
GET IN THE COCKPIT – The cockpit is your home. Use its dashboards to your adv
antage and – with just a thin hull of metal and glass between you and the per
ils of space – feel the intensity of combat from a first-person perspective.
Take off in thrilling multiplayer modes and a unique single-player Star Wars s
tory, which covers a key campaign near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil Wa
r. Immerse yourself in the pilot’s seat completely with the option to play th
e entirety of Star Wars: Squadrons in Virtual Reality on PlayStation 4 and PC.
THE MISSION IS CLEAR – Star Wars: Squadrons is a fully self-contained experie
nce from day one, where you earn rewards through play. Climb the ranks and unl
ock new components like weapons, hulls, engines, shields, and cosmetic items i
n a clear path for progression that keeps gameplay fresh and engaging.