kylefan (袖子)
2020-06-20 09:56:14剛把所有Metacritic的英文媒體的幹話都點過一遍
Still, similar to director Neil Druckmann’s response to widespread leaks, mos
t any spoilers pose meager threat to the experience as a whole.
Even then, a shot-for-shot recount of the story wouldn’t do the game justice.
Just as the leaks and spoilers plaguing The Last of Us Part II’s road to lau
nch attempted to give away pivotal moments without context, a secondhand accou
nt doesn’t convey the weight of everything that happens.
The Last of Us Part II is one of the most anticipated games of 2020 and while
the game has been spoiled by questionable individuals, for those who have stay
cleared of the spoilers you will be given a very engaging narrative that draw
s you from the very moments of the game.
As a result, it is a game that works better without knowing what to expect and
as the developers have stated, there are no winners here. If you couldn’t he
lp yourself to the spoilers or stumbled upon them by accident, you will still
be fully immersed into this well-made game and while there is a darkness in th
e story, there are also plenty of moments where the sunshine shines through su
ch as the relationship between Ellie and Dina.
I was fortunate enough not to have any plot details spoiled for me and I feel
incredibly sorry for anyone that did. Even if you've had the game's story spoi
led for you, don't let that deter you. The quality of the acting and the writi
ng make糍he Last of Us Part II漑ne of Naughty Dog's best games. When joined wi
th the first game, I think it's their best.
Trusted Review-100
I’m forbidden from delving too deep in this review, but rest assured that The
Last of Us 2 houses so many surprises, even with the controversial leaks that
have dominated online discourse in recent months. Much like Uncharted 4: A Th
ief’s End before it, Naughty Dog has filled marketing and trailers with red h
errings so devious that even the most hardened fans of the original won’t see
them coming.ꀨ這段後半句是在婊吧XDDDDDDDDD)
Before I continue, let’s discuss the elephant in the room. Prior to its relea
se, The Last of Us Part II experienced what I feel became an unfair amount of
controversy based on leaked footage, screenshots, and plot beats. And while I
feel the urge to address this ordeal in-depth, I want this game to exist outsi
de of those preconceived notions. But I will say this: Naughty Dog’s sequel d
oes not take the easy way out. Instead of delivering the same experience and s
lapping Part II on the box, the developers have taken these characters in a mu
ch different direction than many had hoped, and for my money, it’s nothing sh
ort of spectacular. Trying something daring, something that defies expectation
s while staying true to the source, will always upset people. So, please, keep
an open mind before you write this off completely.
Those of you who go into this game completely blank will be thoroughly rewarde
d, while those of you who have fallen prey to spoilers still will not have see
n the gargantuan shocks, twists and surprises that Naughty Dog’s latest has t
o offer. The joy is in the execution – and we can’t wait for you to discover
and experience all of it for yourself!
It’s unfortunate that the most common topic of discussion when it comes to Th
e Last Of Us Part 2, at least before its release, is spoilers. That’s not sur
prising, considering the game was subject to one of the most extensive leaks i
n modern gaming history (there are no spoilers in that link) but we guarantee
that once the game is out, and everyone has had a chance to play it, the conve
rsation is going to move onto much more interesting subjects.
If you're lucky enough to have avoided the recent leaks, there are some really
effective surprises. We won't spoil them now, but even if you've been spoiled
, there's still so much great stuff to experience.