Fw: [情報] VRChat Jarre音樂會 6/22 03:15AM(GMT+8)

作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-21 23:24:42
※ [本文轉錄自 VR 看板 #1Uxtk9wo ]
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 ) 看板: VR
標題: [情報] VRChat 音樂會 6/22 03:15AM
時間: Sun Jun 21 23:23:50 2020
French electronic musician Jean-Michel Jarre is set to perform live in VRChat
this weekend in a unique environment created specifically for the event.
Dubbed ‘Alone Together’, the concert will go for 40 minutes and begins at
12:15pm PT on June 21, this Sunday. Jarre says he has some new music to
debut, and the entire event is being produced in collaboration with Aero
Productions and VRRoom, the latter of which has created a unique environment
in VRChat for Jarre to perform in. As for what that environment might look
like, it’s a surprise until the event itself. However, you can check out
some screenshots of a previous VR concert Jarre did in 2018, or check out the
poster for Alone Together below, which might hint at the potential aesthetic.
As it’s being hosted in VRChat, the concert will be accessible to those with
or without a VR headset. For those with a PC VR headset, you’ll simply need
to open VRChat and enter ‘VRROOM’ in the world search bar at the time of
the performance. For those without a PC VR headset, you can start VRChat in
Desktop mode and enter ‘VRROOM’ in the world search bar to join the virtual
concert on your non-VR device. You’ll also be able to watch live on Jarre’s
Facebook and YouTube channels.
Jarre’s website says he has a specific message he wants to convey with the
concert: “Whether in the real or virtual world, music and live performance
have a value, the recognition and sustainability of which is vital for
millions of creators.” With many concerts around the world cancelled due to
the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s nice to see a prominent artist to go to the
effort to create a whole new environment for a 40 minute VR concert.
法國電子音樂家 Jean-Michel Jarre 將在台灣時間上午03:15於VRChat舉辦VR音樂會,
作者: gino0717 (gino0717)   2020-06-21 23:38:00
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-21 23:41:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 02:08:00
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:15:00
對 現在
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 03:15:00
看牆上寫room會重開 好像還沒被踢出去一堆人講不是英文 聽不懂 好像是法文?
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:17:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 03:18:00
原來分成很多房間嗎 不太會用VRCHAT
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:20:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 03:24:00
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:29:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 03:32:00
我現在重進有在載新資料了 不知道是新房間別人的avatar還是新的場地資料
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:38:00
場地變了XD 但還是沒開始看到這種場地形式,我猜是把演出人投影到各房間
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 03:49:00
我還以為是我網路問題 現在開始了嗎? 我這邊有新場景但沒音樂也沒動靜還可以嗑藥 場景變超暗
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 03:59:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 04:02:00
讚喔我看實況有音樂了 但我這邊按了resync video還是沒反應
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 04:13:00
我是突然音樂就冒出來了,我感覺上不知道是不是負荷超過預期導致音樂甚至表演沒辦法同步到所有的房間https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP9K8vyHqzg 官方轉播
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 04:17:00
藥丸好像不是固定效果 多按幾次有不一樣濾鏡
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 04:26:00
作者: siscon (laisan)   2020-06-22 04:38:00
QQ改天看 有點晚了
作者: ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)   2020-06-22 04:42:00

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