[閒聊] Polygon關於Tlous2媒體爭議的文章

作者: carotyao (汐止吳慷仁)   2020-07-01 15:12:06
心得:ign jp果然真大哥
Discussion about the survival horror game was also hampered by unusually
restrictive embargo guidelines, which included sentences like “DO NOT
include any beat-by-beat descriptions of pivotal narrative or cutscenes
moments” and “DO NOT reveal the fate of ANY character or the inciting event.
” This prevented websites from discussing any specifics of the game’s
story, which was tricky considering that the game reveals something
surprising within its first two hours that impacts the remainder of its 20-
to 30-hour journey. Curiously, at least one website, GameSpot, actually
published two reviews, one without spoilers and one that dove right into
those details. The latter was published after the embargo was fully lifted.
Why go through such lengths, especially when the internet was flooded with
half-informed takes and speculation based on what had already leaked?
Control. Naughty Dog no longer steered the narrative of The Last of Us Part
2, and this was one way to try and regain control. The studio had already
gone to great efforts to maintain a tight grip on what folks knew about the
experience. As Kotaku reported, Naughty Dog at one point showed a fake scene
during a trailer to make people believe that a character would be more
present in the game than they actually were.
The vibe around the game hasn’t gotten much better since then. On June 12,
Vice published its review of The Last of Us Part 2, in which critic Rob Zacny
said that while the game had “memorable moments” that made for great “
spectacle,” he was less taken with the story and characters. “Nobody ever
reconsiders their quest for vengeance,” Zacny wrote. “Everyone acts under a
kind of vindictive compulsion that goes little remarked and unexamined.”
Zacny went on to describe the game’s message as complacent, full of “
oppressive bleakness and violence.”
While the vast majority of reviews have lavished The Last of Us Part 2 with
all sorts of praise, a handful of outlets — Polygon included — have been
slightly more critical of the blockbuster game. According to Zacny, Vice’s
review prompted a Sony representative to reach out on behalf of Naughty Dog.
“They felt some of the conclusions I reached in my review were unfair and
dismissed some meaningful changes or improvements,” Zacny told Polygon over
Twitter messages.
Zacny clarified that the exchange wasn’t “confrontational,” but that it
was nonetheless “unusual,” as the site doesn’t typically have big
publishers asking in an official capacity why a review reads the way it does.
Such things can happen, of course, though often with smaller developers, or
from publishers who have spotted a factual error in a piece that they want
“I was happy to unpack a bit of my reasoning, however, and received a
perfectly cordial message in response,” Zacny said. Naughty Dog’s PR team
declined to comment on Polygon’s inquiry about its exchange with Vice.
作者: CrazyLord (Lucian)   2020-07-01 15:13:00
作者: louis0724 (louis0724)   2020-07-01 15:14:00
雖然早知道一定有摸頭 但終於有媒體敢出來證明了是吧
作者: ray1478953 (龍蛋)   2020-07-01 15:15:00
作者: jensheng09 (甲甲都從後面來)   2020-07-01 15:15:00
不能透漏 = 打最高分 低能邏輯 低能媒體
作者: dnek (哪啊哪啊的合氣道)   2020-07-01 15:15:00
作者: dustlike (灰塵)   2020-07-01 15:15:00
作者: poke001 (黑色雙魚)   2020-07-01 15:16:00
作者: lomorobin (翰)   2020-07-01 15:16:00
作者: RoaringWolf (滾狼)   2020-07-01 15:16:00
作者: charmingpink (charmingpink)   2020-07-01 15:16:00
作者: loveangel718 (紅蓮愛天使教教主)   2020-07-01 15:17:00
這家不是氣到沒打分嗎? 還是我記錯家
作者: poke001 (黑色雙魚)   2020-07-01 15:17:00
作者: FinallyFind (找不到)   2020-07-01 15:18:00
作者: a71085 (iii)   2020-07-01 15:19:00
注意看一下 是索尼爸爸代表頑皮狗出來抗議
作者: john0909 (醬洞玖洞玖)   2020-07-01 15:20:00
IGN JP 真的有膽量
作者: jorden0804 (無極呆呆)   2020-07-01 15:20:00
這是中共吧 直接審查你的評論 可憐阿 SONY
作者: vsepr55 (vsepr55)   2020-07-01 15:21:00

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