※ 引述《AlisaRein (AlisaR)》之銘言:
: Neil大大的回答:
: https://i.imgur.com/mVfbhmt.jpg
: Look... I get it. You love these fictional characters...
: but... they’re not real. You do know that, right?
: Guys... don’t be scared of therapy.
: Think of it like working out for your brain.
剛剛有點好奇所以我去看了一下 Neil Druckmann 的經歷。
wiki page: https://bit.ly/3gvxq5q
2002的7月開始他在佛羅里達州立大學的 Visualization Lab工作,
這些也沒什麼,不過我還找到 Niel 以前個人網站上的自介。
Link: https://bit.ly/38tvx6t
Well since you already clicked your way over here I might as well tell you a
little bit about myself. My name is Neil Druckmann and I was born on Dec.
5th, 1978 in the beautiful state of Israel. In 1989 (when I was still a wee
lad) my parents decided that it was time to complicate my life by moving me
to the other side of the world. So it was bye-bye childhood friends and
hellooo Miami. "Wait a minute," you interrupt, "don't they speak Israelian
(Hebrew) over there? How did you manage without knowing any English?" Hold
on, I was getting to that. While many foreigners learn English either through
TV, film, or school, I learned most of my early English through computer
games. While still abroad I spent countless of hours playing the old Sierra
and LucasArts adventure games. I played everything from Maniac Mansion to
Space Quest; and since these games required a substantial amount of English
to play them, I ended up picking up quite a bit of it in the process.
既然你都點進來了,我想我也應該告訴你些我的事情。我叫做 Neil Druckmann,
我於 1978/12/05 出生於以色列,1989的時候我爸媽決定搬家,所以那時候我跟我的
在我還搬進美國之前,我花了超級多時間玩 Seirre 和 LucasArts 的冒險遊戲。
從 Maniac Mansion 到 Space Quest,我什麼都玩。因為這些遊戲需要懂非常多英文,
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's very interesting," you say in a sarcastic voice,
"but what are you doing now?" Well currently I am a research assistant at
Florida State University in the...um...NICE city of Tallahassee. I recently
acquired a BS degree in computer science. So of course I enjoy programming
and problem solving otherwise I would have stayed a criminology major (that's
a whole other story.) Besides programming I enjoy anything creative and/or
artistic. I have a passion for drawing, I love playing my guitar, writing
stories, and playing/making videogames. "Huh? Making games?" That's right,
pal, making them! At the moment I am working on a game demo with two friends
of mine (go to the projects area and check out our game). I gobble up any
information that relates to game development and if you give me the chance
I'll talk your ear off with discussions about bringing back adventure games
(Ron Gilbert, where are you when we need you?).
你可能會諷刺地說「喔 嗯 啊,不錯喔。啊你現在在幹嘛?」
我現在是佛羅里達州立大學的一個研究助理,居住在塔拉哈西這個...恩 「很棒」的都市
「啊?製作遊戲?」 你沒聽錯,兄弟。就是製作遊戲!
Ron Gilbert,在我們需要你的時候,你到底在哪?
註:Ron Gilbert 是美國的男性電子遊戲設計師、監製人。 個人主要製作的遊戲類型以
My near-future plan is attending a grad school that will allow me to merge my
technical and my artistic passions, and will enable me to bring my game
design theories to a new level (which should put them at around level 5,
otherwise known as the lava level). Looking deeper into the crystal ball you
can clearly see me designing revolutionary videogames for the brand new
Dodecahedron-Box 2 by Ninten-Soft.
帶到新的等級的研究所 (他level5這段我看不懂在講啥小)
你將能清楚地看到我在替任天堂的 Dodecahedron-Box 2 設計革命性的遊戲。