Valve says the time it takes to download Microsoft Flight Simulator won't
affect refund requests
Downloading Microsoft Flight Simulator takes a while: It's a hefty game
weighing in at around 127 GB. The Steam download is only a 532MB client,
though. The bulk of the game is installed as an 'update' from within the game
While the game client is open, the 'hours played' clock on Steam begins
ticking. That means that even when all you're doing is downloading the games
files, you're racking up minutes or hours of 'play time.'
Steam's policy lets you refund a game with fewer than two hours played, but
for most people it takes more than two hours to download the game. So, some
worried that if they wanted to request a refund of Microsoft Flight Simulator
on Steam for whatever reason, their request would be automatically rejected
simply because Steam thinks they've actually played it for more than two
We asked Valve about the issue, and VP of Marketing Doug Lombardi replied.
"The time it takes your machine to download the additional content will not
be counted against the Steam Refund Policy," he wrote in an email.
"We are working with Microsoft to see if we can improve the download
experience," Lombardi also told us, though he didn't elaborate further.
而這結果是多數都會超過兩小時,這就超過Steam退款時限了。 (購買後14天內玩不到2小