推 Llind31100: 希望這次能給老蝙一個好結局 阿卡漢騎士我畫一堆時間08/23 05:44
→ Llind31100: 解出隱藏結局 以為會有老蝙其實沒死躲起來退休的內容08/23 05:44
→ Llind31100: 結果只是讓後繼者出來裝逼 崩潰.....08/23 05:44
Gotham Knights is the next Batman game (without Batman)
In Gotham Knights, Bruce Wayne has supposedly perished in a massive
explosion. In a message to his surviving comrades, he tells them how to carry
on in his absence. The trailer revealed Red Hood, Batgirl, Nightwing, and
Robin (aka the Bat Family) as the cast of four playable characters. Gotham
Knights will be a co-op game set in an open-world Gotham City.
Gotham Knights的設定就是蝙蝠俠疑被炸死,留下遺言。所以他的後繼者們組成戰隊。