轉自 https://www.plurk.com/p/nzw2h1
DC推出新作品: 《歷史上的神力女超人》
We'll be presenting tales of the real-world heroes who take up Diana's mantle and work in the fields of
science, social justice activism, diplomacy and more!
1. 說「暴動搶劫縱火殺人都只是為了麵包」的知名民主党眾議員"四人幫"AOC
2. 主張消滅以色列,被該國拒絕入境的民主党眾議員"四人幫"Rashida Tlaib
3. 假冒自己是印地安人的民主党前總統初選候選人Elizabeth Warren
4. 極端自由派大法官,左派要她就算只剩下一顆浸在培養液裡的腦也不可以退休的Ruth
5. 在一場校園槍擊案存活下來後,主張一律禁槍的高卒生Emma Gonzalez
6. 傳說中是武漢肺炎病毒外洩的罪魁禍首之一的石正麗
幹 看勒以為4惡搞 結果點去看原文 https://tinyurl.com/y3yg5f35
DC’s Wonder Women of History Will Feature “Real-World Heroes” Including
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib
The women whose stories will be told, and the creators who will be bringing
said stories to life, include:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-written by Lilliam Rivera and drawn by Anastasia
Ruth Bader Ginsburg-written by Lilah Sturges and drawn by Devaki Neogi
Elizabeth Warren-written and drawn by Renae De Liz
Rashida Tlaib-written and drawn by Marguerite Dabaie
Teara Fraser-written by Traci Sorell and drawn by Natasha Donovan
Beyoncé-written by Mikki Kendall and drawn A. D’Amico
Edith Windsor-written by Amanda Deibert and drawn by Cat Staggs
Marsha P. Johnson-written by Jadzia Axelrod and drawn by Michaela Washington
Emma Gonzalez-written by Kami Garcia and drawn by Igzell
Judith Heumann-written by Marieke Nijkamp and drawn by Ashanti Fortson
Ellen Ochoa-written by Cecil Castellucci and drawn by Carina Guevara
Shi Zhengli-written by Emily X.R. Pan and drawn by Wendy Xu
Serena Williams-written by Danielle Paige and drawn by Brittney Williams
Tig Notaro-written by Sara Farizan and drawn by Nicole Goux
Keiko Agena-written by Sarah Kuhn and drawn by Lynn Yoshii
Dominique Dawes-written by Danny Lore and drawn by Robyn Smith
Janelle Monae-written by Vita Ayala and drawn by O’Neill Jones
有民主黨反以色列反川大將Rashida Tlaib
還有那個大家在新聞都聽過ㄉ石正麗 XDDD
之前替AOC出ㄉ漫畫還配了個把邪惡共和黨(象)揍趴ㄉ封面 XDDD
這次又要怎麼玩呢 XDDD
以前我都不知道 期待這系列圖文小說 一定很讚