Kaguya feels guilty about Ishigami's situation
Iino is cold because Ishigami can't trust his friends by pretending to have a
completely different personality
Iino couldn't be that kind of person because it hurt how much he loved
Tsubame, too.
>Ishigami is pretending to be okay in front of stuco
>Everyone empathizes with Ishigami's situation (except Iino, she wears a
neutral face the whole time)
>No IshiMiko hints, I mean, Ishigami's going to need some time to forget
about his first love, Tsubame
>This chapter seems to be filler but it's NOT a filler
>Ishigami becomes Mr. Sarcasm King
2.小狂犬很冷漠 因為石上無法信任他的朋友並裝成一個與平常完全不同的個性
3.小狂犬不可能是那種人 因為現在石上的樣子否定了之前他對燕的愛
6.沒有石彌的跡象 石上需要一些時間來忘記他的初戀燕學姊
7.本回看似是過渡回 但其實不是