an94mod0 (an94mod0)
2020-11-22 12:07:31原文恕刪
The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X have been super hard to find. That may be on
New York(CNN Businss)The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X sold out almost immedia
tely upon launch last week.
Customers reported having a difficult time finding the consoles in stock as webs
ites kept crashing. To many, it felt harder this year than usual to get their ha
nds on the latest release.
This year, supply of the consoles couldn't keep up with the large demand. Althou
gh analysts have predicted that the PlayStation 5 will outsell the Xbox Series X
over time, right now, the current console wars winner is whoever put more stock
on shelves.
Most think that Sony (SNE) and Microsoft (MSFT) purposefully limited how many un
its were produced.
Profit margins on the new PS5 and Xbox Series X are probably "thin or even outri
ght in the red," according to IDC's research director of gaming Lewis Ward, so i
t made sense to set production limits. Sony and Microsoft likely considered prod
uction levels that wouldn't put huge stress on the manufacturers and the supply
chain and that could help them limit any revenue losses, he said.
Sony isn't making much money on the PS5 and didn't want to overproduce the conso
le heading into a recession, said Michael Pachter, a Wedbush analyst. This theor
y lines up with an April report from Bloomberg that said Sony was planning to li
mit output of the PS5 in its first year. The company did not respond to a reques
t for comment.
Another possibility is that Covid-19 played a role in limited supplies.
Niko Partners senior analyst Daniel Ahmad said that he anticipates the PS5 and X
box Series X will continue to be supply-constrained this holiday season because
of the pandemic's impact on production and logistics. Ahmad also said that durin
g initial production, both consoles had low yields and "it will take some time t
o scale and ramp up to meet demand."
Microsoft told CNN Business that its new Xbox hardware production wasn't affecte
d by the pandemic and that it "set out to produce as many new consoles as it cou
ld." The company added that the consoles, including a cheaper Series S, launched
in 40 countries and it "will sell every new Xbox" it is able to produce this ye
"We're building new Xbox consoles as fast as we can to meet demand," Microsoft s