※ 引述《arrenwu (不是綿芽的錯)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《LABOVS (洛城浪子)》之銘言:
: : @kanzarinsan
: : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FC9KnMwaQAAtjZA.jpg
: : 愛因斯坦說過:
: : "If you cannot explain what you are attempting to accomplish to
: : a sixyear-old child, then you are probably not clear about it yourself."
: : "如果你沒有辦法把你想要做的事情解釋給一個六歲的孩子聽懂,
: : 那可能代表你自己也對這個東西不太清楚。 "
: : 真的是他講的,不是魯迅式金句
: 我剛剛搜尋了一下,還真的沒有找到這個出處
: 不過從這個wiki頁面有看到相關的訊息 https://bit.ly/3GHUf3q
: Page 418 of Einstein: His Life and Times (1972) by Ronald W. Clark
: To de Broglie, Einstein revealed an instinctive reason for his inability to
: accept the purely statistical interpretation of wave mechanics. It was a
: reason which linked him with Rutherford, who used to state that "it should be
: possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid." Einstein, having a
: final discussion with de Broglie on the platform of the Gare du Nord in
: Paris, whence they had traveled from Brussels to attend the Fresnel centenary
: celebrations, said "that all physical theories, their mathematical
: expressions apart ought to lend themselves to so simple a description 'that
: even a child could understand them.' "
: 這意思是說所有的物理理論,撇開數學形式,
: 都應該要可以有個甚至連孩童都能理解的簡單敘述
: 這敘述固然沒有「六歲孩童都能聽懂」那麼誇張,但其是相去不遠了
: 從文章看起來,愛因斯坦講這段的時候,
: 是在解釋為什麼他無法接受波函數那種統計詮釋
: 反觀那些喜歡講什麼「自己去Google」或「多讀點書」的鄉民...嗯