聊天室: 我想知道英文歌曲版權變化後你們怎麼有甚麼做法?
may i know what would you do after copyright of English song is changed?
邊聽邊打 不保證全對
Moona: It's never change from the beginning.
So.. the English songs
In hololive Indonesia, for singing English song we have to check
from some website, and after that we have to use our already
official like.. working on together
the official instrumental from application
the Third party that already approved from COVER and the third party
that's why at the first time, all of the members from hololive Indoneisa
before we got the third party, we use Acapella
but after we got the third party,
all of us forbidden to use the instrumental from Youtube,
like free karaoke in the Youtube, it was forbidden
The one that we can only use for make the talent be safe.
So ya
懶人包: holoID用的是經過認可的第三方BGM 所以不受版權變化影響
聽說網站是這個 不確定