[乳摸] 陶比版蜘蛛人4 類新宇宙動畫電影形式再啟

作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟嚕都大都督)   2021-12-24 08:57:30
Exclusive: Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4 Is Actually In The Works
Before there was Tom Holland, before there was Andrew Garfield, and even before
there was a Marvel Cinematic Universe, there was Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man. Or
iginally in three movies for Sony, there were serious plans for a fourth. In fac
t, years were spent trying to make Spider-Man 4 happen for a 2011 release date,
but instead, the movie was scrapped in 2010 and a reboot with Andrew Garfield gr
aced the screens instead. While that reboot turned into its own phenomenon, so m
uch work was done on Spider-Man 4 that fans have remained curious about what cou
ld have been. Over a decade later, the conversation hasn’t stopped. After some
work from a trusted and proven inside source for Giant Freakin Robot, we have le
arned that Sony is currently revisiting the idea of Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man
4 in a new way.
Our source shared that because of the huge success Sony has recently seen with S
pider-Man, they are considering making Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4. The curren
t idea is to tell the fourth story as an animated movie. The style would be some
thing similar to what fans have loved with Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.
While we learned that Sony is considering this, it sounds like it’s still in th
e early stages, which makes sense. There’s a lot happening for Marvel and Sony
with Spider-Man right now. Still, we have a lot of questions, most of which the
studio may currently be working on themselves. While they’re looking at creatin
g this project right now with Tobey Maguire, would Kirsten Dunst be involved? Sh
e played Mary Jane Watson in the first three films. When Spider-Man 4 was discus
sed, director Sam Raimi said he couldn’t imagine making another one without her
. At the same time, she wasn’t confirmed for the sequel when it was eventually
cancelled. Another interesting question here is at what point in the timeline To
bey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4 would pick up. Animation leaves a lot of room for op
tions here.
Potentially, an animated Spider-Man 4 could pick up right where Spider-Man 3 lef
t off, with Tobey Maguire asking Kirsten Dunst for a dance. The original plans f
or the live-action version aren’t likely to be held too tightly. It’s been rep
orted that Vulture would have been the main villain, with Anne Hathaway playing
Felicia Hardy (Black Cat). However, one of the main reasons it was dropped was t
hat director Sam Raimi hated the story they had.
This paragraph contains some spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. Spider-Man: N
o Way Home revealed little about Tobey Maguire’s life since Spider-Man 3. It’s
said that he was still with Mary Jane, but it didn’t claim they were married.
It’s possible they are, it just wasn’t said. As Peter Parker arrived in Tom Ho
lland’s world, he wore his Spider-Man suit under his clothes, so it’s known th
at at 40 years old, he was still crime-fighting at the drop of a hat, despite hi
s back problems. Would a new Spider-Man 4 tell more about what Tobey Maguire’s
Peter Parker went through all those years up to No Way Home? Or take place after
Picking up shortly after Spider-Man 3 seems the most likely. That would be part
of the advantage to using animation instead of live-action for this new project
with Tobey Maguire. In No Way Home, it was mentioned that Mary Jane and Peter Pa
rker were married, but that it wasn’t easy. Since Spider-Man 3 ended with the t
wo dancing, it would seem natural for Spider-Man 4 to explore more of how they m
ake their odd relationship work.
作者: VoV (VoV)   2021-12-24 09:00:00
作者: ANava (只發優文)   2021-12-24 09:04:00
作者: peterw (死神從地獄歸來)   2021-12-24 09:04:00
作者: allanbrook (翔)   2021-12-24 09:05:00
作者: eattheapple   2021-12-24 09:06:00
賺爛了 賺爛了
作者: lindazoro (葛葛葛)   2021-12-24 09:07:00
作者: chung2007 (2007)   2021-12-24 09:09:00
作者: PunkGrass (龐克草)   2021-12-24 09:09:00
不期不待 怕把童年搞砸了
作者: qd6590 (說好吃)   2021-12-24 09:21:00
作者: CAtJason (敬請見諒)   2021-12-24 09:25:00
作者: gunng (暗黑檢察官)   2021-12-24 09:29:00
不過新宇宙的金髮彼得才應該是陶比版 因為連跳舞那段都有演出來
作者: followmytype (CZJ)   2021-12-24 09:31:00
不是山米雷米導的就沒那味 動畫也看不到陶比演技
作者: rock5421 (一匹狼 蘿莉愛吃棒棒糖!)   2021-12-24 09:33:00
還剛好對上新宇宙的中年版 肯定賺爛
作者: jeffbear79 (jeff)   2021-12-24 09:33:00
作者: Sasamumu (⊙▽⊙)   2021-12-24 09:34:00
可以陶比版 但拜託mj不要回來==
作者: haupindiedie (醬油叉燒拉麵)   2021-12-24 09:38:00
作者: denny8437 (MosBaka)   2021-12-24 09:43:00
Bully Magurie要有新梗能用了嗎
作者: god78987 (god78987)   2021-12-24 09:46:00
作者: wai0806 (臣妾辦不到啊)   2021-12-24 09:52:00
作者: r30307 (RPG)   2021-12-24 09:57:00
作者: Xhocer (以前也很快樂)   2021-12-24 09:58:00
作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟嚕都大都督)   2021-12-24 10:05:00
翻譯的蜘蛛人是我手改的 還有俠就是我漏掉欸不要一直叫尼哥啦 邁爾斯也是很有魅力的蜘蛛人啊
作者: devilkool (對貓毛過敏的貓控)   2021-12-24 10:08:00
作者: adgbw8728 (ass)   2021-12-24 10:09:00
直接當成新宇宙的中年蜘蛛人就好了= =
作者: dos32408 (hank)   2021-12-24 10:14:00
作者: efkfkp (Heroprove)   2021-12-24 10:22:00
作者: drsung48 (宛宛)   2021-12-24 10:38:00
肯定被毀 大家早已偏向屁孩形象的原設定
作者: RandyOrlando (蘭迪)   2021-12-24 10:47:00
作者: knml (法師)   2021-12-24 10:56:00
作者: md3q6e (furu777520forever)   2021-12-24 11:03:00
哇靠 哭了
作者: SoulFaith (不良小涼)   2021-12-24 11:14:00
只有加菲沒數到3 能先還他第三集嗎
作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟嚕都大都督)   2021-12-24 13:26:00
我也很想看加菲版續集 那個動作真的太屌了陶比版當然也是神 只是我受夠鋼鐵小弟了
作者: artwu (低調才是王道)   2021-12-24 14:41:00
蜘蛛人真的是漫威一哥 怎麼拍怎麼賣

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