safy (Ty)
2022-02-25 10:16:38https://twitter.com/digitalfoundry/status/1495835545917865993
Digital Foundry 應該蠻多人都認識的
We've seen reports that we're 'not allowed' to show Elden Ring performance pre
-launch. Not strictly true: we've been asked to show performance analysis in
our content based on the day one patch to show the game as you'll play it,
which is a reasonable ask and nothing new.
It's worth pointing out that day one patches often arrive before launch and we
're aiming to get the content out as soon as possible - but the reality of
video production is that it takes time.
Elder ring畢竟是大作, DF因為被請求要等Day1 patch更新後再發表
所以day1 patch發布了嗎