※ 引述《Victoryking (夜空メル的かぷ民)》之銘言:
: https://i.imgur.com/XMgGPpg.jpg
: 一開始發現退追Vox
: 後來有人列了名單
: Mori unfollowed Rosemi, Selen, Vox, Shu, and Fulgur. LMAO
: https://i.imgur.com/ZWw9Apr.jpg
: 不只這次DC的那幾位
: 跟這次事件無關的也一起退追了
: 下面有人提到
: Wtf did selen, shu and rosemi do? Those 3 are completely unrelated to this. I gu
: ess she's just unfollowing all of nijien
: 死神可能是想要把虹全部退追
: She's still following everyone else in NijiEN at the time I am writing this. May
: be she'll unfollow the others later, but why not just do it in one go if you are
: going to unfollow them all. It's weird.
: 不過目前除了那幾個以外 其他虹V都還沒退掉
: 議會被偷臭 死神就退追
: 不知道會送他們一首RAP
: 要從代理人戰爭演變成官方大對決了嗎
: https://i.imgur.com/jx5cqSQ.jpg
說不定是想避風頭 上次死神炎上不就他朋友說不怎麼樣的人進ho也會成功
然後就一堆人不爽 吵說要死神不要再和那個yt往來
可能上次沒有馬上切被弄一次之後 這次直接先退一退省得一堆爛事