[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 新增Gray Extractor

作者: Napoleon313 (法吹拿皇)   2022-08-25 16:45:59
NEO Mushroom Garden 菇菇栽培研究室 Update Ver.2.59.0
nnfnnf... (This summer is way to hot...)
The Funghi were on the brink of withering, but at last the summer is coming
to an end.
Dear NEO mushroom gardeners, how have has your summer been?
To all who kept their Funghi happy and healthy, we've prepared a special
update just for you!
Play the new Order+ "Gray Report", and also get upgrade materials for past
themes to add to your collection!
新增Gray Extractor 灰色提取器
5th Anniversary "A Top Hat for Your Pleasure"
Sweet Love Choco "Chocolates for Your Pleasure"
Funghi Castle  "Castle Goods for Your Pleasure"
Fung-Sea Castle "A Gold Coral for Your Pleasure"
Funghi Academy  "School Goods for Your Pleasure"
Milky Way     "Star Powder for Your Pleasure"
Funghi Mine    "A Coal for Your Pleasure"
Funghi Theater  "Sheet Music for Your Pleasure"
Dream Land    "A Funghi Pillow for Your Pleasure"
Ghostly Bridge  "An Odd Talisman for Your Pleasure"
作者: aaa1234136 (淡水活魚)   2022-08-25 17:14:00
作者: npc776 (二次元居民)   2022-08-25 17:19:00
(╮′_>`)<古代手油 真是懷念

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