Lb1916 (冷靜的魚)
2023-02-10 10:41:04就剛剛用英文
Hogwarts legacy
Hogwarts Legacy Can’t Cast Aside Debate Over J.K. Rowling
The video game is the latest battleground over the “Harry Potter” author’s co
mments on transgender issues, with fans and gamers divided over whether they sho
uld play it at all.
The conversation about the video game Hogwarts Legacy has been dominated by soci
al issues rather than spell casting or Hippogriff taming.Credit...Warner Bros. G
The developer behind a highly anticipated video game set in the “Harry Potter”
universe, but a century before the familiar story, was always going to have to
confront the expectations of a zealous fandom.
There was the challenge of creating an engaging experience beyond the well-known
tale of the Boy Who Lived, and the risk of disappointing fans by omitting belov
ed aspects of the wizarding world. (Sorry, no quidditch.)
But when the developer, Avalanche Software, began work several years ago on an i
mmersive role-playing game set in Hogwarts, it may not have anticipated that per
haps the biggest challenge of all would stem from the series’s celebrated autho
The conversation among fans and gamers as Hogwarts Legacy approaches its offici
al release date on Friday has been dominated not by talk about spell casting or
Hippogriff taming, but by J.K. Rowling’s remarks on transgender issues.
Potter fans have been grappling with those comments for years, especially afte
r Rowling published an extensive essay in 2020 in which she said a movement of
transgender activists was “seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biolo
gical class and offering cover to predators.”
“I want trans women to be safe,” she wrote. “At the same time, I do not want
to make natal girls and women less safe.”
Fans who considered Rowling’s views odious and anti-trans — a sentiment she de
nies — clashed with those who sympathized with them, while others argued that t
he artist could be separated from her art. Some pledged to cease spending money
on the franchise, which includes a theatrical production and the “Fantastic Bea
sts” movies.
Hogwarts Legacy brought another dedicated community into the fold: gamers, a gro
up not associated with soft-spokenness online.
In recent weeks, they have used social media to confront one another over issues
of transgender rights. Some have pledged to boycott the game, while others have
embraced it or defended their right to play it without claiming specific gender
“The controversy is very loud,” said Alex Casilio, a YouTube creator who has f
ollowed Hogwarts Legacy throughout its yearslong development, though he question
ed whether the debate would have a measurable impact on sales. “It’s a game th
at got very popular very fast, and most people aren’t into the controversy.”
J.K.Rowling’s Controversial Comments
The “Harry Potter” author’s statements on transgender issues have fueled hea
ted discussions among fans of the book series and beyond.
A Conflicted Fandom: Rowling’s views forced some “Harry Potter” fans to figu
re out how to distance themselves from the author who created the beloved wiza
rding world.
Quidditch No More: The real-life version of the sport, which prominently featur
es in the series, changed its name to “Quadball.” Rowling’s views on transge
nder issues played a role.
Daniel Radcliffe’s Criticism: The lead actor in the “Harry Potter” films i
s one of several cast members who voiced their support for transgender rights in
response to Rowling’s comments.
Days before its official release, Hogwarts Legacy became the single-player game
with the highest number of concurrent viewers on the streaming site Twitch, acc
ording to the analytics site Streams Charts, beating titles like Cyberpunk 2077
and Elden Ring.
Still, the disagreements over whether to engage with the newest entry in the wiz
arding world have sowed chaos on internet forums. On the game’s Reddit forum, t
he moderators reinstated restrictions on discussing Rowling, writing that allow
ing such conversation “quickly spirals into bigoted language towards LGBTQ+ ind
ividuals.” On an official Discord forum, a moderator pleaded with users to “pa
use on the JK topic.”
Like other role-playing games, Hogwarts Legacy allows players to shape their ava
tars’ appearance, intertwining issues of identity with the gameplay. And some p
layers have drawn the conclusion that a new, nonplayable character is transgend
er, based on a line of dialogue in which the character — Sirona Ryan, who runs
the Three Broomsticks pub — said it had taken her classmates a moment to “re
alize I was actually a witch, not a wizard.”
Set in the 1890s — a century before Harry’s story — the game allows players t
o become students at Hogwarts, where they can wear their house robes, navigate t
hrough the castle and practice spells.Credit...Warner Bros. Games
Avalanche — which is owned by Warner Bros., the studio behind the eight “Harry
Potter” movies and the “Fantastic Beasts” series — has walked a fine line,
establishing distance between Rowling and the game while acknowledging her centr
ality to the franchise.
Warner Bros. declined several times to set up an interview with the game’s deve
lopers. When asked direct questions about the creative process and Rowling’s co
ntributions, it pointed to marketing materials.
“J.K. Rowling is not involved in the creation of the game, but as creator of th
e wizarding world and one of the world’s greatest storytellers, her extraordina
ry body of writing is the foundation of all projects in the wizarding world,” e
xplains a list of frequently asked questions. “This is not a new story from J.
K. Rowling, however we have collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of
the game to ensure it remains in line with the magical experiences fans expect.
It is unclear how much Rowling will financially benefit from the game; a spokesm
an for Rowling declined to comment on its reception. In December, after Jessie E
arl, a transgender gaming commentator, tweeted that it was “harmful” to suppor
t Hogwarts Legacy, Rowling used the term “purethink” to criticize the argume
In an interview with IGN, an entertainment website, Alan Tew, the game’s direct
or, addressed questions about Rowling by saying, “When we bumped into those cha
llenges, we went back and refocused on the stuff that we really care about.”
In a separate article about Sirona Ryan, the character players have concluded is
transgender, a representative for the developer told IGN, “The team felt that
it was very important to create a game that is representative of the rich and d
iverse world of Harry Potter as well as the groups of people who play games, whi
ch includes the LGBTQIA+ community.”
Set in the 1890s, the game allows players to become students at Hogwarts, where
they can wear their house robes, navigate through the castle and practice spells
Many details are pulled from Rowling’s texts (spells like Crucio, the torture c
urse, and Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, will be familiar), but some aspects
of the lore are newly invented: Daedalian Keys, the game explains, have been con
jured to protect locked cabinets at Hogwarts.
Several gaming publications and streamers have also been cautious discussing the
game, making it clear that they have qualms about Rowling’s views. Several par
agraphs into IGN’s positive review, which calls the spell-casting combat “stu
pefyingly good,” sits a disclaimer box that acknowledges the “elephant in the
“As critics, our job is to answer the question of whether or not we find Hogwar
ts Legacy to be fun to play and why,” the disclaimer says. “Whether it’s ethi
cal to play is a separate but still very important question.”
NME, a British pop culture website, gave Hogwarts Legacy three out of five stars
and noted that its review was “not an endorsement of Rowling’s opinions or
comments,” while linking to L.G.B.T.Q. charities.
And a duo called Girlfriend Reviews, who were criticized for streaming the game
on Twitch, responded by emphasizing that they had not paid for it and were rais
ing money for the Trevor Project, a suicide prevention group for L.G.B.T.Q. youn
g people.
Others in the gaming community have drawn a harder line.
“If you purchase this game — if you praise its qualities and encourage others
to ‘support the developers’ or ‘treat yourself to a guilty pleasure’ — you
are making a choice that will harm the transgender community,” Percy Ranson wr
ote for GamesHub, an Australian gaming news site, noting that they are transgend
Rowling has continued to opine on transgender issues since her 2020 essay. Last
month, she posted a tweet likening a meme in which a character holding a gun t
hreatens a TERF, or trans-exclusionary radical feminist, to an illustration of a
20th-century suffragist being tortured. She also rallied in opposition to Sc
ottish legislation intending to make it easier for people to legally change the
ir gender.
The author had no creative input in Hogwarts Legacy, according to Troy Leavitt,
who said on Casilio’s channel last year that he was a lead designer and senio
r producer on the game for three years before leaving Avalanche in 2021. The stu
dio had the latitude, he said, to pick and choose the aspects fans were most int
erested in.
“This isn’t a game about pushing agendas or anything,” said Leavitt, who decl
ined an interview request. “This is a game about delivering to the fans that wi
zarding world experience that you always wanted to have when you were reading th
e books or watching the films. That’s it.”
Perhaps the game’s developers wish they had invented a charm to tame the intern
“Every big ‘Harry Potter’ thing turns into an L.G.B.T.Q. conversation,” said
Asher Chelder, who works on social media for MuggleNet, a Harry Potter fan site
, and is transgender.
But this backlash has seemed heightened compared with the response to the releas
e of the third “Fantastic Beasts” movie last year, said Chelder, who is lookin
g forward to playing Hogwarts Legacy.
Despite some calls for a boycott of the franchise, “Beasts” — which credits R
owling as a screenplay writer — grossed more than $400 million globally. “Curs
ed Child,” the play Rowling is credited on, is running in six countries.
hermis (火山菌病病人No.01221)
2023-02-10 10:42:00比起開學連殺六人,竟然比較在意作者的爭論?
Pegasus99 (天馬行空...的天馬)
2023-02-10 10:43:00錯 是SJW無法拋開對JK的爭論 所以挑軟柿子來啃
不需要拋開阿 有話題有流量 賺 原本我連有這個遊戲都不知道 現在準備要來玩了
作者: qaz223gy (亞阿相界) 2023-02-10 10:43:00
紐約時報的立場很明顯吧? 當初那一篇也是從他們這裡出來的
wvookevp (ushiromiya)
2023-02-10 10:44:00整起事件看下來很像是SJW想逼遊戲公司出來切割JK羅琳
wvookevp (ushiromiya)
2023-02-10 10:45:00這點挺噁心的 不就是叫別人跟著一起霸凌嗎
Irenicus (Jon Irenicus)
2023-02-10 10:45:00手遊沒熱度阿 這群垃圾就只會寄生當然挑肥的看起來好欺負的
Jin63916 (摳幫瓦)
2023-02-10 10:47:00魔法學院的遊戲不難做,但沒哈利波特元素誰要玩
wvookevp (ushiromiya)
2023-02-10 10:48:00SJW把JK羅琳標誌成要打倒的敵人象徵啊
thbw666 (富和尚)
2023-02-10 10:48:00錢都被JK賺走 喔氣氣氣氣
wvookevp (ushiromiya)
2023-02-10 10:49:00怎麼看都比較划算
hank81177 (AboilNoise)
2023-02-10 10:49:00紐時:想像沒有作者的哈利波特
作者: hiphopboy7 2023-02-10 10:49:00
直到目前為止 JK的戶頭仍然叮$叮$叮進帳現金
tmwolf (魯神)
2023-02-10 10:51:00你終究是要辱LGBTQ的
MutsuKai (夜羽大人的小惡魔)
2023-02-10 10:51:00版權在人家手上是要怎麼切割jk,錢還是要給啊
wvookevp (ushiromiya)
2023-02-10 10:52:00SJW期待的是拿出態度吧 雖然要你授權但我還是反對你這邏輯很白爛 但我相信他們就是要這個
oaoa0123 (ball ^ω^ ice)
2023-02-10 10:53:00看完了 就只是複述一遍反對者的聲音而已 沒啥新東西
iam0718 (999)
2023-02-10 10:53:00沒哈利波特的世界觀 肯定吸的人變少
作者: shane24156 (噴水紳士) 2023-02-10 10:53:00
作者: AndyJheng 2023-02-10 10:53:00
不就跟幹JK魁地奇的概念跟名字去辦比賽 紅了之後JK出事就默默改叫四球一樣
lyt5566 (無糖奶茶很難喝)
2023-02-10 10:55:00#哈利波特沒有作者
windr (天河銀明)
2023-02-10 10:55:00知名IP的力量可大了,有沒有那個授權世界觀可是天差地遠
作者: AndyJheng 2023-02-10 10:55:00
拿人家的創意跟名字去行銷 出事了又說跟JK無關要切割
windr (天河銀明)
2023-02-10 10:56:00就是星戰、魔戒,就是吃定了IP夠大,觀眾還是會邊罵邊看
Orianna (奧莉安娜的憂傷)
2023-02-10 10:57:00歐美社會很病態 聖經裡就有明顯分清男女 紐時要抵制聖經嗎
heybro (魔法肥宅見習生)
2023-02-10 10:57:00我是JK被這樣批評的話,一定難過的用鈔票擦眼淚
iam0718 (999)
2023-02-10 10:58:00如果真要說SJW有創作成名作品的話 10/10算吧
heybro (魔法肥宅見習生)
2023-02-10 10:59:0010/10基本上也算寄生ip啊
egg781 (å–µå‰)
2023-02-10 10:59:00JK羅琳還要體諒遊戲公司的臉皮,人很好了
oaoa0123 (ball ^ω^ ice)
2023-02-10 11:00:00這個文章其實不用訂閱的 至少我搜尋同標題可以直接看不知道為啥
windr (天河銀明)
2023-02-10 11:00:00JK這個人不會跟錢過不去啦XDDDDD
作者: as1100 2023-02-10 11:01:00
SJW想封殺JK 自己想辦法搞一個這麼賺錢的IP給大家賺阿
windr (天河銀明)
2023-02-10 11:01:00她窮過的,絕對不會擋自己財路
ColdP (......)
2023-02-10 11:01:00每個帳號每年有一定量的免費文章可看, 超過就要訂閱了
kuo95 (絕對T感)
2023-02-10 11:01:00啊你沒有仔細看內文要討論什麼不太懂
egg781 (å–µå‰)
2023-02-10 11:02:00這遊戲跟哈利波特沒關係的話,完全原創看你能不能這麼熱門雖然沒人會嫌錢多,但羅琳真不想的話也不缺他們這一份
kinuhata (kinuhata)
2023-02-10 11:03:00who car 遊戲都賺爛了誰還在乎這些破事
oaoa0123 (ball ^ω^ ice)
2023-02-10 11:03:00就只是找篇文給大家吵而已R 紐時這篇沒說什麼新東西
windr (天河銀明)
2023-02-10 11:04:00不過啦,真的會出來捐款的人,再怎麼樣,我個人是都覺得比
原po又沒看文章內容 看起來也沒有要跟這裡的人討論的意思 那發這篇文幹嘛XD
oaoa0123 (ball ^ω^ ice)
2023-02-10 11:05:00就提供吵架題材啊,你看四十幾推不亦樂乎XD
羅琳睡飽數錢的事不做跟一群畜牲賭氣?除非她腦袋撞壞了 哈哈
guogu 2023-02-10 11:18:00看完了 應該還算中立啦 就是把這款遊戲只是因為原作是jk所以一堆人氣氣氣這件事情寫的很長而已
作者: CjackC (頡哥) 2023-02-10 11:18:00
作者: ggway2800 (gg) 2023-02-10 11:25:00
payday (搶劫萬歲)
2023-02-10 11:26:00羅琳當初版權簽的超硬 怎麼切割
zien0223 (LazyCat)
2023-02-10 11:31:00本來JK領錢還得費神費力參與製作 現在更好躺著就能賺
yisky (乳酪三明治餅乾)
2023-02-10 11:43:00師爺你給翻譯翻譯
usoko (time to face reality)
2023-02-10 11:45:00講的好像JK有在霍格華茲裡排擠Transgender一樣
usoko (time to face reality)
2023-02-10 11:46:00反正JK還是躺著數鈔票 SJW終究是沒有創作能力的losers
這遊戲明明就很舔了結果還是被SJW抵制,然後大賣還不是靠JK小說的世界觀= =
sy4826951 (星空å¤å½±)
2023-02-10 11:56:00紐時整天在蹭熱度,哈利波特作者又不是紐時,垃圾報
Kaken (← 看到他請催稿)
2023-02-10 12:01:00你都拿霍格華茲當標題了還想拋開JK羅琳喔,太天真了吧。但我覺得遊戲做成這樣本來就只是嘴上說切割而已啦。
silomin (惦惦吃的多)
2023-02-10 12:02:00對 無法 所以支持正義的jk 因為jk就是正義
Kaken (← 看到他請催稿)
2023-02-10 12:02:00(我不是說遊戲爛,而是以世界觀來說算有誠意,但這就更難切割了)
作者: grandzxcv (frogero) 2023-02-10 12:10:00
作者: lovegensokyo (神戀幻想鄉) 2023-02-10 12:39:00
kjoz89 (kaimas)
2023-02-10 13:44:00原文貼的時候可以幫換行嗎 單字被分開看得很痛苦抱歉沒發現有原本連結 當我沒說了
作者: stvn2567 2023-02-10 13:57:00