※ 引述《silentknight (清純男)》之銘言:
: The Little Mermaid Slammed For 'Pretending Slavery Didn't Exist'
: https://www.cbr.com/the-little-mermaid-criticism-pretending-slavery/
: According to Deadline, Marcus Ryder, former chair of the Royal Television
: Society Diversity Committee charity, has called out the new movie for
: glossing over slavery. The story seemingly takes place in the Caribbean
: during the 18th century, when chattel slavery was a common practice, but The
: Little Mermaid only presents racial harmony. "Setting the fantastical story
: in this time and place is literally the equivalent of setting a love story
: between Jew and Gentile in 1940 Germany and ignoring the Jewish holocaust,"
: Marcus argued in a blog post.
: 英國皇家電視協會多元化委員會慈善機構前主席Marcus Ryder指責
: 小美人魚電影掩蓋奴隸制。故事看似發生在18世紀的加勒比海地區,
: 那時動產奴隸制盛行,小美人魚中卻種族和諧。
: 在這個時間和地點設定這個奇幻故事實際上等同於在
: 1940年的德國設定一個猶太人和外邦人之間的愛情故事,而無視猶太人大屠殺
: 馬庫斯在一篇博客文章中指出。
: 出大事啦!! #小美人魚 #德國猶太人大屠殺
: 網內互打太激烈了