※ 引述《oasis404 (綠洲404)》之銘言:
: 展翅協會還是沒進步啊,一直在用N年前就被打臉的虛擬兒色誘拐論。
: 說到展翅協會一直在講的,虛擬作品會拿來誘拐,我最近查資料,無意間找到一篇文章:
: https://bit.ly/3ODkTQC
: Therapist: Traffickers use the Bible to Lure Victims
: 治療師:人販子利用《聖經》引誘受害者
: 節錄一段內容就好:
: It's also not uncommon, says McKinley, for traffickers to twist Scriptures t
o co
: erce a child. "If they know much about the Bible at all and they know that t
: girl is from a Christian background then they're going to take advantage of
: and use the verses and the teachings that are taught about submitting to au
: ity