The Resident Evil Game That Can't Be Remade
(It's time to rewrite, not remake.)
BY MATT PURSLOW MAR 13, 2024 9:13 PM
Remakes can, of course, completely redefine the structure of their source
material. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, for example, is recognisably an updated
version of the classic RPG, but its world design and gameplay mechanics are a
world apart from the 1997 original. And so you could argue that Resident Evil
5 is actually the Resident Evil most in need of a remake. A whole new
environmental structure and scenario design that reigns in the action and
dials up the horror would bring it in-line with Capcom’s other remakes. But
all of this doesn’t account for Resident Evil 5’s most notorious problem:
當然,重製可以完全重新定義其原始資料的設定。例如,《最終幻想 7:重生》顯然是經
《生化危機 5》其實是最需要重製的《生化危機》。全新的環境結構和場景設計主導了動
《生化危機 5》中最臭名昭著的問題:種族主義。
Set in a fictional West African country, Resident Evil 5’s primary
antagonists are Black people. Yes, technically it’s the Uroboros virus that
protagonist Chris Redfield is fighting, but the parasite’s host is mdepicted
as a nation of mobs and primitives who are violent even before their
infection. Intentionally or not, Resident Evil 5 positions Africa as the
Dark Continent’, an uncivilised world harbouring a diseased population that
needs gunning down via Western intervention in the name of global security.
《生化危機 5》以一個虛構的西非國家為背景,其主要敵人為黑人。是的,從故事上講,
主角Chris Redfield正在對抗的是《Uroboros》病毒,但寄生蟲的宿主被描繪成一個由
危機 5》將非洲定位為“黑暗大陸”,這是一個不文明的世界,孕育著一群患病人口,需
This insensitive treatment of people of colour was hotly debated even as
early as Resident Evil 5’s debut trailer, with writers such as N’Gai Croal
and Stephen Totilo pointing out the game’s uncomfortable, post-colonial
imagery. The arguments and think-pieces continued well into the game’s
release window, with IGN’s own former editor-in-chief Hilary Goldstein
having also wrestled with the subject. But that was 2009 – a time when race
was apparently a debate rather than a reality. In the 2020s, in a post-Black
Lives Matter world, there is only one acceptable response to a white man
shooting waves of Africans for an entire video game: no.
早在《生化危機 5》首次發布預告片時,這種對有色人種的麻木不仁的對待就引起了激烈
的爭論,N'Gai Croal和Stephen Totilo等作家指出了遊戲中令人不安的後殖民意象。這
些爭論和思考一直持續到遊戲發布窗口,IGN 的前主編希拉里·戈德斯坦 (Hilary
Goldstein)也對這個主題進行了爭論。但那是 2009 年,當時種族問題顯然是一場爭論,
而不是現實。在 2020 年代,在「後黑人生命也是命」的世界中,對於一名白人在整個電
讓《生化危機 5》整個重寫而非重製