好XDD 有版友能給點建議嗎?
Taiwanese people's freedom of reading/watching virtual works is threatened
The government of Taiwan (R.O.C.) is planning on releasing a new policy. To expl
ain it, people who own, create, or spread virtual artworks might be subject to d
isproportionately harsh penalties (up to seven-year sentence) if the government
subjectively considers the art works to be inappropriate content, particularly t
hose depicting child pornography. The government claims that it is to decrease t
he rate for child prostitution to happen; however, the policy is completely ridi
culous in my opinion for the reasons below.
First and foremost, there is no clue that virtual artworks are connected to actu
al child prostitution. In fact, refer to the study carried out by the experts at
Sexologisk Klinik(*), virtual child pornography does not lead to real child pro
stitution. There is also a substantial body of research showing that violence is
not related to violent video games. Based on the facts, I believe there is a hi
gher chance that virtual artworks are not responsible for any real world crimes,
including child prostitution. For instance, Japan has the lowest reported rates
of sexual assault and child prostitution despite having a thriving virtual porn
industry, including virtual child pornography. Engagement with virtual artworks
may satisfy certain desires, potentially reducing the likelihood of harmful beh
aviors towards real individuals. Overall, it seems to me that virtual artworks d
o not result in real child prostitution. Given this point, declaring owning virt
ual artworks a crime would be absolutely inadequate.
Secondly, there are no REAL children being abused just because someone owns or c
reates virtual artworks, as long as the artworks are totally fictions. On the ot
her hand, the freedom of the owner or the creator would be severely harmed. Once
the law is implemented, rather than real criminals, individuals without crimina
l intent are punished. This is clearly beyond the scope of government authority.
Actually, perpetrators of child prostitution in Taiwan always tend to be given
lenient sentences (usually lower than four-year sentences), which incites great
anger among our citizens. I suppose it would be a better idea for the government
to deal with real-world child prostitutes rather than banning virtual artworks
that are not proven to be related.
Finally, whether the art works comply with the standard is totally decided by th
e government, regardless of the background or the character set of the works. Wi
thout any criteria, the policy will undoubtedly become the tool for the governme
nt to control the freedom of speech. For example, if an active user on a forum o
pposes an inappropriate policy the government wants to promulgate, which upsets
the government, then the government would be able to sue the user because the us
er has posted a picture of a child, which does not even have to be erotic in pub
lic view. This will gradually silence all the opinions against the government, a
nd severely undermine freedom of speech in the long term.
Despite all of the unjustified aspects of the policy, the government will still
hold a meeting to impose stricter regulations on virtual artworks on 21st, March
. Moreover, the whole meeting would be held privately, making all of us afraid t
hat the meeting will be rigged. That is why I write down and post this article.
I hope that we can supervise the government together, preventing it from going f
urther on the road of dictatorship.
Here are some of the Taiwanese people’s responses to this incident.
ACGN creator's rights promotion association: https://www.facebook.com/ACGNCRPA/?
ACGN creator’s issues forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuqokjptclQ&t=2s&a
* refer to https://cbldf.org/2012/07/danish-report-discredits-link-between-cart