Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were
subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confiden
tial. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the requi
red necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages
over other female competitors.
並不是測睪固酮,而IBA宣稱做了獨立且可被認可的測試,但是是測什麼?很抱歉 保密。
※ 引述《NARUTO (鳴人)》之銘言
: 2023世錦賽以「性別生化指數異常」,撤銷林郁婷的銅牌,取消哈利夫的金牌戰資格,當
: 時國際拳擊協會(IBA)的主席克雷姆列夫(Umar Kremlev)向媒體說明取消資格的原因
: ,「這些拳擊手擁有XY染色體。」