瑪爾基特:Put these foolish ambitions to rest.
葛瑞克一階:Lowly Tarnished... Thou'rt unfit even to graft...
葛瑞克二階:Great Godfrey, did'st thou witness?
蕾娜拉一階:Be not afeard, little culver.
蕾娜拉二階:Thy fate lieth under my moon.
蒙葛特二階:May the curse seep to thy very soul.
拉卡德:Now, we can devour the gods, togethaaaaaaaaaaaa
野獸祭司:I shall not part with it again./Stay away from Destined Death.
黑劍:Cower. Before Maliketh, the Black Blade./
Cower. Before Maliketh, Marika's Black Blade.
葛孚雷:Tarnished Warrior. 'Twas nobly fought.
Holo露:A crown is warranted with strength!
蒙格:Miquella is mine and mine alone.
瑪蓮尼亞二階:Let your flesh be consumed. By the scarlet rot.
梅瑟莫一階:Those stripped grace of gold, shall all meet death… in the embrace
of Messmer’s flame.
梅瑟莫二階:O lightless creature. Embrace thine oblivion, as shall I…