Re: [問題] 寫好的程式,不能在別台電腦使用

作者: SLS530 (。)   2014-06-21 14:17:29
※ 引述《puper (Oh Yes)》之銘言:
: 在測試的電腦已有裝.net framework
: 看看圖片
: 能裝的應該都裝了,請問還差什麼,才能夠在其他台電腦正常執行?
兩台電腦都是 Windows 7 64bit
其中一台有裝 Visual Studio Express 2013 來寫C#,程式可以正常執行
另一台有裝 .NET Framework 4.5.1 (離線安裝),程式無法執行
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication2
public partial class Form1 : Form
int championsnum = 0;
string[] champions = { "Aatrox",
int[] skinnummax = { 1, //Aatrox
4, //Ahri
6, //Akali
6, //Alistar
7, //Amumu
5, //Anivia
8, //Annie
6, //Ashe
7, //Blitzcrank
4, //Brand
1, //Braum
5, //Caitlyn
4, //Cassiopeia
5, //Chogath
6, //Corki
3, //Darius
2, //Diana
2, //Draven
7, //DrMundo",
2, //Elise",
3, //Evelynn",
6, //Ezreal",
7, //Fiddlesticks",
3, //Fiora",
4, //Fizz",
4, //Galio",
5, //Gangplank",
6, //Garen",
6, //Gragas",
5, //Graves",
4, //Hecarim",
4, //Heimerdinger",
4, //Irelia",
5, //Janna",
5, //JarvanIV",
8, //Jax",
2, //Jayce",
1, //Jinx",
3, //Karma",
4, //Karthus",
4, //Kassadin",
7, //Katarina",
6, //Kayle",
5, //Kennen",
1, //KhaZix",
7, //KogMaw",
3, //LeBlanc",
6, //LeeSin",
4, //Leona",
2, //Lissandra",
1, //Lucian",
4, //Lulu",
5, //Lux",
5, //Malphite",
4, //Malzahar",
4, //Maokai",
5, //MasterYi",
6, //MissFortune",
3, //MonkeyKing",
4, //Mordekaiser",
5, //Morgana",
2, //Nami",
5, //Nasus",
3, //Nautilus",
6, //Nidalee",
5, //Nocturne",
6, //Nunu",
4, //Olaf",
4, //Orianna",
6, //Pantheon",
6, //Poppy",
2, //Quinn",
6, //Rammus",
5, //Renekton",
2, //Rengar",
5, //Riven",
3, //Rumble",
9, //Ryze",
4, //Sejuani",
6, //Shaco",
6, //Shen",
4, //Shyvana",
6, //Singed",
4, //Sion",
6, //Sivir",
2, //Skarner",
5, //Sona",
3, //Soraka",
3, //Swain",
2, //Syndra",
3, //Talon",
3, //Taric",
7, //Teemo",
2, //Thresh",
6, //Tristana",
3, //Trundle",
6, //Tryndamere",
7, //TwistedFate",
5, //Twitch",
3, //Udyr",
3, //Urgot",
3, //Varus",
5, //Vayne",
7, //Veigar",
1, //VelKoz",
2, //Vi",
3, //Viktor",
5, //Vladimir",
3, //Volibear",
7, //Warwick",
3, //Xerath",
5, //XinZhao",
1, //Yasuo",
2, //Yorick",
1, //Zac",
2, //Zed",
4, //Ziggs",
4, //Zilean",
3, //Zyra",
int skinnum = 0;
public Form1()
label1.Text = champions[championsnum];
label2.Text = "Skin編號:" + championsnum;
Image pic = Image.FromFile(@"C:\LoLSkin\\" +
champions[championsnum] + "_" + skinnum + ".jpg");
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = pic;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string championskin;
championskin = champions[championsnum] + "=" + skinnum;
for (int i = 0; i < skinnummax[championsnum]+1; i++)
string str;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:\\Program Files
str = sr.ReadToEnd();
str = str.Replace(champions[championsnum] + "=" + i,
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\Program Files
label3.Text = "已套用";
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (championsnum == 0)
championsnum = champions.Length -1 ;
else {
championsnum = championsnum - 1;
label1.Text = champions[championsnum];
skinnum = 0;
Image pic = Image.FromFile(@"C:\LoLSkin\\" +
champions[championsnum] + "_" + skinnum + ".jpg");
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = pic;
label2.Text = "Skin編號:0";
label3.Text = "";
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (championsnum == champions.Length -1 )
championsnum = 0;
championsnum = championsnum + 1;
label1.Text = champions[championsnum];
skinnum = 0;
Image pic = Image.FromFile(@"C:\LoLSkin\\" +
champions[championsnum] + "_" + skinnum + ".jpg");
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = pic;
label2.Text = "Skin編號:0";
label3.Text = "";
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (skinnum == 0)
skinnum = skinnummax[championsnum];
skinnum = skinnum - 1;
Image pic = Image.FromFile(@"C:\LoLSkin\\" +
champions[championsnum] + "_" + skinnum + ".jpg");
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = pic;
label2.Text = "Skin編號:" + skinnum;
label3.Text = "";
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (skinnum == skinnummax[championsnum])
skinnum = 0;
skinnum = skinnum + 1;
Image pic = Image.FromFile(@"C:\LoLSkin\\" +
champions[championsnum] + "_" + skinnum + ".jpg");
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = pic;
label2.Text = "Skin編號:" + skinnum;
label3.Text = "";
private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
作者: neo5277 (I am an agent of chaos)   2014-06-21 16:09:00
作者: GoalBased (Artificail Intelligence)   2014-06-21 16:21:00
給樓上,應該不是吧 我們server也有裝2013
作者: neo5277 (I am an agent of chaos)   2014-06-21 16:26:00
喔喔好喔 那我來試看看 書是2013 我之前都是裝2010..TKS
作者: GoalBased (Artificail Intelligence)   2014-06-21 16:50:00
去官網看一下有沒有限制就好了 還要裝多麻煩@@

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