[問題] c++ operator 的 oeverload

作者: gn00618777 (非常念舊)   2016-04-16 20:29:11
不把 template 和 operator 的 overload 搞定根本很難看 android 的 code...
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class Demo{
inline Demo():m_ptr(0){
cout<<"This is the First constructor "<<endl;
Demo(T* other);
Demo(const Demo<T>& other);
Demo& operator = (T* other);
inline T* operator-> () const { return m_ptr; }
inline T& operator* () const { return *m_ptr; }
T* m_ptr;
template<typename T>
Demo<T>::Demo(T* other){
cout<<"This is the Second constructor"<<endl;
template<typename T>
Demo<T>::Demo(const Demo<T>& other){
cout<<"This is the Thirdth constructor"<<endl;
class myClass{
int main(){
Demo<myClass> d;
myClass *mptr = 0;
//我該如何使用 Demo 類別的 Assigment 和 Accessors 呢?
cout << *d <<endl; //error
d = *mptr; //error
d.operator*(mptr); //error
作者: bibo9901 (function(){})()   2016-04-16 20:33:00
m_ptr 是 0 當然會error
作者: Frozenmouse (*冰之鼠*)   2016-04-16 20:34:00
應該是 d = mptr 吧,參數型態是myClass*
作者: bibo9901 (function(){})()   2016-04-16 20:34:00
然後問問題時最好講清楚"error"是compile error還是runtime error, 最好把錯誤訊息也寫出來

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