開發平台(Platform): (Ex: VC++, GCC, Linux, ...) GCC 問題(Question): 想要宣告一個4bits的正整數, 存放範圍 0~15 不曉得這樣的宣告方式正不正確? struct { unsigned int boy : 4; unsigned int girl : 4; } age; 不曉得這樣是不是 boy 4 bits girl 4 bits 我看網路資料他的參考Example是 struct { unsigned int widthValidated : 1; unsigned int heightValidated : 1; } status; The above structure requires 4 bytes of memory space for status variable, but only 2 bits will be used to store the values. 宣告4 bytes 但是只有2 bits會存放到memory 感謝大大幫忙!