saladim (殺拉頂)
2019-07-02 01:28:24大家好, 最近剛好翻到the C++ programming language,章節C.13.8.4
有關templates, namespace 跟 specialization的, 看不太懂他所要表達的意思.
首先呢, 上面提到:
This reflects three obvious strategies an implementation can use for
generating specializations:
[1] Generate a specialization the first time a call is seen.
[2] At the end of a translation unit, generate all specializations needed for
that translation unit.
[3] Once every translation unit of a program has been seen, generate all
specializations needed for the program.
All three strategies have strengths and weaknesses, and combinations of these
strategies are also possible.
A program is illegal, if it is possible to construct two different meanings
by choosing different points of instantiation or different contents of
namespaces at different possible contexts for generating the specialization.
namespace N
class A{ /* ... */ };
char f(A,int) ;
template<class T, class T2> char g(T t, T2 t2) { return f(t,t2) ; }
//error (alternative resolutions of f(t))
char c= g(N: :A() ,'a') ; //<
CoNsTaR ((const *))
2019-07-03 07:45:00欸... 不論用哪種策略都不會影響編譯成功與否吧,只是有各自的優缺點(他這樣講我猜是最佳化難易度之類的編譯時期才有差的優缺點)你的 template 嘗試去 instantiate 一個 char f(A, char),但原本就已經有一個 void f(A, char) 了,如果你的編譯器允許這個 instantiation 那就會造成有兩個不同版本的 f(A, char),顯然你的編譯器不允許,所以才告訴你編譯錯誤但我想文說的兩個不同版本指的也可以是型別完全相同的兩個不同 instantiation,但除非你的編譯器有 bug 否則沒辦法藉由改變程式碼來造成這樣的結果,所以才用這種相似的 example 給你看* 兩個型別完全相同的 instance