Cancer horoscope for Mar 4 2016
You may be caught up in reminiscing today, Moonchild. You tend to be drawn to
the past much of the time because you are so sentimental and nostalgic in natu
re. Just be careful that your reminiscing doesn't turn into obsessing. You wou
ld love some part of your life to be more like it was in the past, but you are
wishing away the present. Try to find what's good about the here-and-now. Imm
erse yourself in it and allow yourself to enjoy what unique elements the prese
nt brings to your life. These are the good old days.
作者: devil6eyes (Arondip) 2016-03-04 18:51:00
chu1997 (腿腿)
2016-03-04 19:00:00感謝翻譯!!
daija (我想捍衛你的笑容)
2016-03-04 19:03:00感謝翻譯
今天看到一年多都沒聯絡的人換了新大頭照 他變得好陌生 再也不是我當初喜歡的那個人了
作者: gs0920g (狗蛋) 2016-03-04 19:34:00
silstar (star)
2016-03-04 23:29:00今天醒來真的回憶ㄧ直出現...
anthrop (anth)
2016-03-05 06:21:00本來想說不準結果在十點跟朋友聊天聊到過去 也太巧了吧xd
作者: chuchu0124 2016-03-06 02:11:00
昨天沒看運勢,現在一看嚇死我好準,今早才掉入回憶啊不對 應該說前天和昨天了XD