kl25082 (è²)
2018-08-07 23:39:27You may have thought a lot last week about a deeply emotional issue with a
family member or a long-time friend. Hopefully, you have worked up the
courage to express to this person how you truly feel. You may be afraid to
broach the subject, Moonchild, but this may be the only way to initiate a
reconciliation. If you have been divided, the gap will only continue to
widen until it becomes nearly impossible to bridge that gap. Step up now
and be the one to say how you feel, and it is likely that this person will
also open up. And when you are talking to each other, that will be when
the other person will also feel empowered to open up. A faux pas that
recently happened - either yours or someone you were with at the time -
may be on your mind too. Although you can't undo what happened, you can
put it into perspective and recognize that in the very near future, this
will be merely a blip on the radar - it won't be very important, so stop
ruminating on it. Later in the week - perhaps on the weekend - you may
meet someone who is quite impressive in some external way. Either this
person's looks or the stylish way they present themselves will be quite
memorable. But don't forget to look deeper because the surface is only the
beginning. If you get to know this person, you may discover qualities that
are quite outstanding. If you only focus on the cover of this book,
though, you won't make a meaningful connection.