First, Moonchild, pick up a pen. And yes, it must be a pen rather than a
pencil. Now start writing your own horoscope. This is just another way of
saying that you have the power to write the story of your life. Although
the stars may put certain things in your path, it is up to you to direct
your fate. Good fortune is with you this week, but it will take effort and
enthusiasm from you to tap into it successfully. This week, you will have
a hint of the wonderful things you can accomplish if you keep your eyes
and your ears open and follow your heart. This week you may discover that
your way of relating to someone important in your life is not working as
well as it could. Although this has been a long-existing situation, the
realization of this matter may come as a revelation in the days ahead. But
although this has gone on for so long, this week could offer a window of
opportunity for a significant breakthrough in a relationship. Late in the
week, if you play it cool at work or in a money or business-related
conversation, you can make a connection that has the potential to increase
your financial security in tangible ways.