[情報] 07/08/2021Daily Horoscope

作者: maple150814 (我的女朋友超萌的)   2021-08-07 00:05:36
Cancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 7
You may be starting to suspect that someone's cajoling and encouragement of yo
u in a certain direction is more aimed at you getting what they want for you,
rather than what you want for yourself. Even if there isn't anything material
to gain for that individual, there may be something about being in charge of y
ou or forging your path that appeals to them. Maybe they believe that they kno
w what's best for you - even more than you do. Even so, if the encouragement t
hey are giving you is pointing you toward something you really want, accept it
, dear Cancer, and use it as the fuel for your efforts.

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作者: zxcasd897222 (羅東怪人)   2021-08-07 20:25:00

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