[情報] 2023/05/07 Daily Horoscope

作者: maple150814 (我的女朋友超萌的)   2023-05-07 00:17:11
Cancer horoscope for 星期日 5月 7
When a disappointment or a problem happens in an otherwise hopeful endeavor, b
ut it winds up leading to something really good, we might call it a "happy acc
ident." It isn't always easy at first to see that a mistake or other problem i
s going to turn out benefiting you. Something that recently occurred may be ve
ry troubling to you. It may be that you are kicking yourself for not being mor
e cautious about a certain matter. But if you look back, you were only doing w
hat you felt was right at the time. And besides, Moonchild, this has a great c
hance of becoming a "happy accident" after all!

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