Cancer horoscope for 4月 1 - 4月 7
A matter that has puzzled you for a long time related to a personal relationsh
ip may finally begin to become clear to you, dear Moonchild. This may come thr
ough something you hear or see or something that is said, and it will all begi
n to make sense - finally! This is something that was hurting you deeply becau
se you did not understand why someone had betrayed you, but you will know soon
, and it will be extremely enlightening - and it will make a big difference in
your life. You are someone who is very on top of the dreams you pursue becaus
e you become intensely focused. That does not mean, however, that you are a hi
ghly organized person all of the time. In fact, you are the epitome of a creat
ive genius - someone with a creative mind and a very messy desk! This week, yo
u may need to call on someone who is better at organization than you are, beca
use getting organized will help you remain better tuned in to something import
ant you are working on. Accept tips, but also accept help if it is offered. An
d creatively, by the way, this can be a spectacular week for you. You should h
ave a chance to display something you have created that might capture the atte
ntion of someone with the ability to market it and make connections for you!