[情報] 2025/01/13 Daily Horoscope

作者: maple150814 (我的女朋友超萌的)   2025-01-13 08:22:12

Most of us enjoy spending time around people that we feel comfortable with. We
have a lot in common. We understand each other. We know what to expect. You a
re someone who is especially inclined to spend your time with the same familia
r people because you prefer the comfort and warm feelings that come with famil
iarity. However, Moonchild, it is good to challenge yourself once in a while b
y spending time with people who are very different from you - people you are n
ot very, or at all, familiar with. Today or soon you may have a chance to do t
hat, and you are encouraged to go for it. Shake up your world and your experie
nces a bit!

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