[情報] 9/15 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-09-14 10:31:43
Capricorn horoscope for Friday Sep 15
You may overhear a secret or be privy to some gossip that makes you feel uneas
y. Perhaps you will feel an obligation to disclose what you have heard to some
one else. You may feel it is your duty because the news you hear casts a dear
one in harsh light. However, what you hear may bear no resemblance to the trut
h, Capricorn. And if you tell this person, it could set off a chain of events
that will really create hurt for someone. If there is a way to learn for yours
elf what is true and what is not, then do so. Otherwise, you may be able to co
rrect what you hear directly at its source.
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