[情報] 11/13 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-11-12 05:55:42
Capricorn horoscope for Monday Nov 13
You may have thought that you were thrown onto the path you are now following
by fate. You may think you had little if any choice in the matter, Capricorn,
so you have been moving along dutifully. However, every now and then, you may
get an inkling that there are other options, and that you are not a slave to s
ome predestined future. Your fate is not written in stone. You are the master
of your fate - but only if you take it by the reins and start moving in the di
rection of your choice. This is the time to take your power back.
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作者: jerry8148 (用電鍋沒煩惱)   2017-11-12 20:53:00
要離職的意思嗎 哈哈
作者: Geech (Geech)   2017-11-13 03:55:00
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