[情報] 12/28 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2017-12-27 09:32:36
Capricorn horoscope for Thursday Dec 28
If you make a change so that you can avoid dealing with a certain person that
you find difficult, you could just be trading one problem for another. It may
seem like an easier option to walk away and start something new, but you may e
nd up dealing with something very similar. You have put time and effort into w
hat you already have. Giving that up would not be fair to you. Why not work on
what exists? You already have familiarity and experience. Bloom where you are
作者: ivyclover (草)   2017-12-27 10:50:00
作者: yy1036121 (黑色北極熊)   2017-12-27 11:16:00
作者: dusters (Dusters)   2017-12-27 11:18:00
推 !
作者: polyman73 (小小世界的人)   2017-12-27 12:13:00
作者: hikari (苒苒物華休)   2017-12-27 19:28:00
準 QQ 別逃阿,work it out
作者: killuaz (從前的從前從沒變過)   2017-12-27 22:28:00
作者: Gelala (舒覺)   2017-12-28 00:13:00
作者: soso16 (公家的小米粒)   2017-12-28 04:58:00

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