[情報] 4/2 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2018-04-01 09:23:48
Capricorn horoscope for Monday Apr 2
There may be something you don't like about yourself, Capricorn, and you may b
e thinking a lot about that right now. But the more you focus on this aspect t
hat you aren't happy about, the bigger and more invasive it seems to be. You m
ay even fear that it is your downfall in some way. But you are magnifying a ti
ny feature that others might not even notice. Don't hone in on what you don't
like. If there is a way to change something you wish to change, then do so. Bu
t in the meantime, focus more on all the good things you have to offer - there
is so much more of that.
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