[情報] 4/24 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2018-04-23 23:18:32
Capricorn horoscope for Tuesday Apr 24
The universe has sent you a gift, or will do so shortly. You may not recognize
the value of this gift immediately. And even if you do, you may not want it.
It may not be what you expected, or you may not know what to do with it. But i
t came with no receipt, and you can't just take it back and exchange it for so
mething else. But what you can do is trust that it came to you for a good reas
on. You don't have to act on it right away, Capricorn, but you owe it to yours
elf to think about it and figure out how to use it in the best manner.
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作者: keeptrue   2018-04-24 18:37:00
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